Summer in November

Written: 9 november 2007
Travel time: 9 — 16 november 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Hotel. Lots of double storey buildings. White, clean. the territory is very well-groomed, green (with such a shortage of water). The staff (only men) is smiling, humorous, helpful. Pools without heating (and not necessary), sunbeds, umbrellas, towels - free of charge. There is a bar next to the pool. More precisely, an open-air bar counter, tables under a linen awning. People lie on sunbeds, swim or sit with a bottle of water. By the way, about water. 3 times more expensive (Ukr), at least. Almost no one drinks alcohol. For example, vodka 0.5 Khortytsya - 150 UAH. Don't buy especially. Take with you (1l per adult). I advise you to take a package of your favorite mineral water with you. Enough for a week. Carbonated simple min. there is no water at all. Not accepted. Ordinary forfeits, cola - please.
Number. Take away one star. But clean. The essentials are there. TV (even one Russian channel is nice), the beds are large, comfortable, the bed is white, good; furniture - suitable for the local color, of course, but yesterday's; Most of all, the bathroom gives out a mismatch of stars, but it is also tolerable. Always hot and cold water, hair dryer, disposable soaps, gels. Of course - air conditioning. They generally have cond. - like our father. But last winter (they say) it froze, there is no heating (it's no joke, +16 degrees - brrr! ): )
The temperature was 27-30 degrees. Humidity is low, so very comfortable. I must say that there is always a beach season. In winter (Dec, Jan, March) it is only windy and cold. There are no such inconveniences for beachgoers as rain or snow : ). Moreover, even cloudiness is from the category of fables. It rains once a year, and if it rains for a long time, then everyone has a holiday: no one goes to school and work, cheers. So that's why everything lies just under the sky (wires at a construction site, materials, carpets, sofas). And no one is worried that the rain will come and ruin something. Imported water. And under each (almost) palm tree or bush (for example, yuca) - watering. Palm trees are generally brought from Cairo as adults and planted. A little further - and the desert in the full sense of the word.

To be continued.
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