Review of Luna Sharm Hotel

Written: 25 february 2020
Travel time: 10 — 17 february 2020
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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We stayed at Luna Sharm, chose it as it was the cheapest offer. I did not look at what kind of hotel it was, because we needed it very quickly. Today we bought it, and the next day we flew away. I did not expect that there would be something very good, but when I arrived, I realized that this hotel is the worst I have seen in Egypt. Everything is dirty, terrible, we even bought ourselves a bed. The food is terrible, not tasty, we left for the whole day, did not even return to the hotel for lunch or dinner. The beach they bring to is terrible, there are no fish, no corals, nothing, but it is very windy. One trip to this beach was enough for us, then we went to Naama Bay. The staff is normal. When we asked to change the bed, they brought another one, but it was no better, it's not the staff's fault, they tried, the hotel just didn't have the best bedding.
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