Tourist horror

Written: 23 october 2024
Travel time: 18 — 25 october 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
We chose this one based on reviews on TopHotels, they have excellent ratings, don’t believe these reviews, it seems to me that these reviews are custom-made. All the people who check into this hotel are shocked by the “service”
-for breakfast there is only an omelet, flatbread, sliced ​ ​ vegetables, salted cottage cheese, tea bags, instant coffee, NO glass glasses, only paper ones!! !
-for lunch and dinner there is more food, but no variety, very modest, the taste of the food is like in a canteen
-the territory is the remains of former luxury
- the room is ok, but they are not very clean
-there is no animation at all during the day, Egyptian or Arabic songs in the evening
- you have to beg for alcohol, it always runs out
-Internet is very weak
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