Economy hotel

Written: 17 july 2017
Travel time: 2 — 9 april 2009
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Rested with a small group. Since we had excursions and forays into the city almost every day. It is possible that something was missed, which may have happened in the hotel. And so we went: the rooms the room itself is clean, but the plumbing has long been in need of replacement. Regularly the faucet leaked, then the toilet bowl. The air conditioner kept breaking down. The food is very, very monotonous, and does not always seem fresh to me. There are few fruits, vegetables are mostly chopped into salads. Meat is also a problem....not all men are ready to eat chicken for, say, 7 days ((( Drinks are clearly diluted with water. The beach is not bad . . there is a descent into the water for children and a pontoon . . for those who like to dive. The reef is beautiful , this is probably the brightest moment. Animation for an amateur.
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