for my four

Written: 21 february 2019
Travel time: 8 — 18 february 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 7.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 7.0
For my money, I think that the hotel is not even bad. We arrived early, but no one seemed to pull with the check-in, but the first room that was shown really didn’t like it, but the second one pleased us, it’s clear that there was an update recently, the furniture and plumbing are in perfect condition, the air conditioner is working, though it was turned on only on heating, in the evening there is no way without it, cleaning is normal, I take only my own gels and shampoos, they replenish it of course, but the quality is weak. The territory of the hotel is not very large, there is a heated pool, but it’s somehow past us, the animation is mediocre, everything is subjective here, whoever needs it will go to it, but there is nothing super interesting either during the day or in the evening. The beach is also not very big. It is most convenient to swim from the pier, there has never been a strong wind, the water is clean, but not very warm, at least for me, there are corals, but the most interesting ones are located a little further. In short, lovers of the underwater world will have something to see. In terms of nutrition, in general, everything is not bad, there were definitely no hungry people here. . Of course, there is no super variety, but they cook deliciously, sometimes there is something on the grill, there are also seafood, I really liked the fish, we went to the city for shrimp. There are many vegetables in different forms, in the morning there are not bad pastries, there is no sausage like everywhere else, something like that. Of the hotel alcohol, only beer is normal, it’s better to take it with you, local nasty wine, such as ours is cheap in bags. According to the weather, I’ll say that it gets dark early, the temperature drops very quickly, after 16-00 there’s nothing to do on the beach, but at 12 o’clock you can burn out easily. In the evening it can be really cool, some even went in jackets, their noses began to clog up already on the second day. But still, in terms of the quality of the sea and the price at this time of the year, there is no alternative to Egypt in my opinion. This time we didn’t take long-distance trips, we drove across the desert in small cars, we took the island of Tiran, somehow about nothing, although the pictures turned out great against the backdrop of the open sea and Ras Mohammed is a great place, the main thing is that it’s not far away. The staff at the hotel is normal, no rudeness or disrespect, tips certainly improve their mood, but we did not give often, only on business. I think that it’s quite possible to go here, we don’t have any negative, but there are other interesting places for that kind of money, and I don’t understand people who rest here four or five times, but as they say, taste and color. . .
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