Comment to the review

Written: 15 february 2010
Travel time: 21 — 28 december 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 9.0
Hello to all!!! . Was in Aida from December 12.2009 - December 19.2009 the trip cost 846 dollars
for two, departure from Rostov-on-Don. From Moscow on the same day and the same hotel 711 dollars. TEZ tour
I can't tell you if he's good or bad. At least compared
with the Turkish trio "DREAM BOX" it is much bigger. To begin with, I will explain the first review "Disgusting hotel!!! " from one of the tourists.
1) She writes that a disgusting, miserable number.
---I can only compare with Ambassador 4*
a) in Aida, the room is larger, there is a safe and a hairdryer (there was not in the Ambassador). The TV worked great.
2 Russian channels. , at least in 226 (I lived in it) and in the room and 201 (where our friends lived)
About cleanliness
---I can find many people who say "dirty" and who also say "clean".

Personally, my opinion is not an ideal frequency, but I can’t call it a disgustingly miserable number either. Do not expect that snow-white tablecloths will wipe your floor. After the Turkish troika, I was very surprised in a positive way.
2) She writes "plumbing in the most miserable state"
- That's partly true. In my room on the penultimate day, the shower hose burst, but I can’t say how this situation was resolved. on the last day we were not up to it and, in principle, it was possible to somehow wash ourselves. And the water from the shower rooms barely tech. ATTENTION!! ! if you eat in winter, make sure that there is hot water in the shower. We had barely warm No. 226 (you can swim, but it's cool)
And our friends No. 201 with water were doing great. (therefore, if you don’t want to write bad reviews, give 5 dollars at the reception and choose a better room. Check the water immediately upon entering !!! )
3) She writes "" Thought: what if there are bugs here ? ! It turned out - only mosquitoes!!!! """"
--- This is also partly true. There are 3 main territories in Hades. 1st - the central part near the main pool, the entrance to the dining room and the reception.
2nd - subdivided into two
a) overlooking the second pool and b) overlooking the dirty wasteland
3rd across the highway. We have never been there. And we were not advised to go there. because it's full of construction. SO BACK TO MOSQUITOES. I don’t know why, but there were no mosquitoes in the 1st part, perhaps because there are few plants there.
And in the second part, where the animation takes place, at least 3 numbers (out of 3 that we asked) complained about mosquitoes. And there are many plants.
And about the third, across the road, I don’t know anything.
4) She writes - """ service "zero" ""
- I can't compare the level of service. So I'll tell you how it is. From experience with Turkey, I left 1 dollar or 5 Egyptian feet every day (I think that 210 rubles per week is not very much).
I don't know if we cleaned better than the rest or not, but just in case.

Towels were changed daily, the bed was made, the bathroom was cleaned, our things were tidied around the room, figures were made on the bed. I don't know if it's a little or a lot, but it suited us. Especially compared to the Turkish trio.
- I had a bad impression about the service in the bar. (I repeat, compared to Turkey, because there is nothing else to compare with. )
a) - in Turkey, drinks were served in glass glasses (beer mug, wine glass, juice glass)
- In Aida, everything is served in small plastic cups.
b) - in Turkey, they made me cocktails with local gin + ice + mint + lemon, etc.
- in Aida, local liquor (I can’t name it to a friend) was mixed 1 to 1 with fanta, cola, and everything else was absent or was for a fee.
c)-- In Turkey, they poured me full mugs of "effes" beer, very tasty and I could take 2 and 3 of them, etc. And they served people with a smile on their faces, and it seemed to me with pleasure
- In Aida (I digress, I drink a glass of beer rather quickly) beer is poured into 200 ml glasses into which a maximum of 150-180 ml is poured. And you can take no more than 2 at a time. To be honest, it is very inconvenient and morally unpleasant to run every 15 minutes for a beer. because there is self-service.
You can order a bottle of beer, they will bring it to you on a tray, with a GLASS MUG, but for a fee. This is about foreigners. They buy everything with cash even if they have ALL INCLUSIVE.
The attitude in the bar towards those who take in cups for free is such that when you come up they don’t notice you, but when they still poured you
They make such a facial expression, they say, take your swill, just fuck off. To be honest, sometimes I felt like an alcoholic beggar.
(an exception is made for girls with a model appearance)
They write that the hotel is ALCOHOL-FREE. this is a mistake, there is beer and local strong drinks (that's still disgusting), but I sometimes drank them
because at the institute I had to drink worse. Therefore, you should visit strong alcohol with you or buy it at DUTE FREE. On the territory of the city, alcohol can only be bought at DUET FREE (it turns out that it happens not only at the airport)

but the prices are higher there. (and then it can be purchased in the first two days of stay and upon presentation of a passport).
By the way, fruit, food, drinks (even water) cannot be brought into the hotel. Therefore, hide all this well before entering the hotel.
5) She writes - "" entertainment "zero"!
--Fun can be two, three, five, but not zero. What is "zero"? This is when we in Turkey played an old tape recorder in a bar and EVERYTHING.
In Aida we had 3 Animators. one Egyptian and two Ukrainians. They tried their best to cheer us up.
. But the people got sluggish and old
I really didn’t like the fact that in hotels the average age of vacationers is 55 years old (from 45-85 !!! ), and I’m 28
and wife 27. There are VERY few young people. !!!!!!
Loud music (in a good way) and calls from the animators to dance were every day. Once
there were local dancers in costumes (I liked it).
6) She writes - "" "A lot of Italians (obviously greedy! ) And Arabs. " ""
--a) About the Italians. 40% of them are other foreigners 10% of the remaining 50% are Russians
I don't know about greed. didn't ask them for anything.
b) About the Arabs. perhaps it coincided, but the only Arabs I saw there were the attendants.
7) She writes - "" The service staff prefers the Arabs, first they are served, and then the Russians. "
--- Let me correct ""Arabs preferred"" to "Foreigners preferred. ""
As I said earlier, this was strongly manifested in the hotel bar and on the beach.
On the beach for the same reasons as in the bar. Russians drag everything with them from the hotel, and foreigners order a lot of things on the beach. and very rarely take change.
8) She writes The hotel has 2 beaches: sandy and coral. Both beaches are poor. To go to the sandy 10 minutes, to the coral-15. They drive broken-down minibuses for 10 people, the rest do not fit !!!!
Both beaches for 7 hotels, sunbeds are never free! Coral clogs like this
there is nowhere to even stand!
a) two beaches. On sandy there was nothing to tell I can not. They only said that there were more places and sand constantly flies into the eyes.
b) Coral. About misery

---- It adjoins the beach of a five-star hotel and I can tell you the difference is big.
Firstly, people from several hotels come to the square 100 meters long and 15 meters wide. About seven, I don't know, at least 4. The loungers are right next to each other.
A little advice, if you want a busy sunbed that is comfortable for you or in general what realties to take (this also happens), take a taxi earlier than the minibus from the hotel. Taxis usually stand outside the hotel.
For travel they ask who 3 dollars. who 2 dollars. Say 1 dollar. If they refuse, then leave, they will stop you and you will eat for 1 dollar. (usually rolled)
It’s not 15 minutes to go to the coral one, but 7 minutes.
9) She writes "" As for food, there is nothing for breakfast, come back in an hour
after the start, nothing!! ! nothing is reported!! ! Arabs come at 7 in the morning and eat everything, asking for more yogurt, etc. The staff is not responsive at all! Dinner is monotonous and tasteless!!!!
----- Let's start with breakfast. If you have a sweet tooth, then you are lucky (and I am not). Cakes, cakes, donuts, etc. not like in a candy store, but pretty decent.
Unfortunately, I don't like this. For me, there seemed to be food, but at the same time there was nothing to eat.
So he stuffed his gut with anything, just not to go to the beach hungry.
I don’t agree about the fact that the Arabs or someone eats everything at seven in the morning. All vats are not immediately, but are updated.
----- I will combine lunch and dinner. The same, but delicious. I have no complaints about them. when I arrived at the hotel, I remembered that I arrived in the top three, not the top five.
I hope you are not tired of my story and I hope I helped you.
P. S. I am not disappointed with the rest in Egypt and in Aida.
If you have any questions about the hotel AIDA HOTEL 3, I will help write
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