Disgusting service, impudent staff, food like "" for pigs will do", dead room

Written: 3 november 2016
Travel time: 23 october — 2 november 2016
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A hotel for those who want to ruin their vacation for their own money!! ! Arrived tonight (3.11), I am writing in hot pursuit - maybe my review will save someone from this grief-hotel. It all started from the very first minutes of our arrival at the hotel: although we arrived early at 8.30 am, we were not allowed to go to breakfast or just to drink coffee, they said. that you have to wait until 10.00-then we will be put on bracelets and "all inclusive" will begin for us. At the reception are arrogant and "tricky" lads, a cat. they demand baksheesh for absolutely everything, they were waiting for it from us - a group of new arrivals was 16 people, but no one coveted an earlier check-in (although the hotel was half empty, as it turned out later) for 20 bucks. Therefore, they had no choice but to start settling after 10. This is a separate issue: only on the third attempt and the scandal we were given a more or less normal number. In the previous 2, the air conditioner either did not work (it only drove hot air), half of the bulbs, the refrigerator leaked, the drain in the toilet did not work, the room stank of shit, but most of all it was the dirty crumpled bedding, the cat. actually left from the previous guests, it had traces of blood and black hair of unknown origin. It is clear that baksheesh are waiting at the reception and they deliberately throw out such tricks. Food is a sore point of this hotel - it is not just not tasty and monotonous, but not fresh or just sour: sour "fresh" tomatoes, rotten salad, fermented dates have not tried, then you are here !! ! About meat (or rather, chicken, other meat and fish were given a couple of times in 10 days), I generally keep quiet, there was a mass poisoning of tourists, especially children after such a chicken. In the dining room - unsanitary conditions, sparrows fly in herds: they sit on plates, bread. If you leave your plate unattended, they sit right on the plate and peck from it. There is no coffee either at breakfast or on the beach, like beer, it ends before it even starts. But a particularly "warm" welcome was given to us by "ANEX, our tour operator, who literally occupied this hotel and sells exorbitantly expensive excursions to inexperienced tourists (although you can order much cheaper on the beach or via the Internet). For example, we went to Petra for 210 days per person, "ANEKH" -350 d. for the same trip. But that's not the point: WHEN WE WANTED TO ORDER DRY. SLEES for an excursion - we were refused, motivating this by the fact that we are not going from "ANEKH" and we are not supposed to! This is zhlobstvo and a violation of our rights and freedoms, gentlemen from "ANEKHTUR" !! ! We went from you for the first and now definitely the last time ! ! In short, what they have not yet had time to fuck up is the sea, fish and corals (although they are not the best here).
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