Vacation in Fantasia

Written: 1 february 2011
Travel time: 15 — 22 january 2011
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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From January 15 to January 22.2011 we rested in Fantasia. It was quite warm. Sea 23-24 degrees. Warm and comfortable during the day. There was a wind, but before lunch it was normal, after lunch it intensified, it became no longer as comfortable as in the first half of the day.
The hotel is good, located on the first coastline.
I would like to point out the excellent food. Every day meat, fish, there were even crabs. They make pizza at the bar, quite original - crust, tomato paste and mozzarella cheese. Europeans stand in line, they really like it. We didn't like it very much. But on the other hand, Marcus the camel on the beach and Nancy the sheep ate it with pleasure.
From entertainment, animation in Italian, every evening some kind of national program, once a week national dances. The animation program is specific, aimed primarily at the Italian mentality.
Especially beautiful corals, you can swim for a long time, watching the fish, even saw a stingray.
In general, the hotel deserves attention, for those who are aimed at a quiet, beautiful holiday.
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