And again Stella di mare

Written: 8 september 2021
Travel time: 28 july — 9 august 2021
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 10.0
We liked this hotel so much last year that the choice this year was obvious - only Stella. During the year the hotel lost one star, but this did not affect our holiday. We stayed for 13 days in August.
What changed? Seafood and fish selection were cut in the diet. At the bars, natural coffee for a fee.
What's left? Hospitality?

So, first things first. We flew in a company, Mohamed met us personally at the reception, surrounded us with attention, helped with paperwork while we were resting after the road. After 10-15 minutes we were already in the rooms, exactly in those that were asked for and all 3 rooms were nearby. Thank you very much Mohamed for such a meeting, it is very nice that they were waiting for us at the hotel. Bracelets were given at first as ordinary ones, and in the evening as regular guests. Wristbands are not cut off during check-out, you are a guest until the very departure. It was very nice to hear from the bartenders and waiters: Welcome back! Everyone recognizes us, remembers and greets us.
We lived in our favorite 2nd building, the rooms are beautiful, clean. The boy did not clean very carefully for the first week, but he spoiled the children with figurines, and the second week was cleaned by another cleaner, very carefully. On the day of departure, we extended the rooms for free until 15:00.
The food is excellent! You can choose for every taste: there is also dietary food, meat in several variations, for dinner there are always 4-5 chicken dishes, 3-4 beef dishes, stuffed quail, duck, stuffed mackerel, and everything is deliciously cooked. I missed the choice of fish and seafood. But, as for a 4 * hotel, the food is super, in the winter I was in one of the albatrosses, there, in comparison with Stella, there is nothing. And in terms of cleanliness, the albatross is inferior to Stella.
Were 2 times in Italian and 1 time in Indian a la carte. Not bad, only the waiters are rude, from the threshold they spoil the mood.

And most importantly - the sea, it's awesome here! Once again for those who choose a hotel for the first time: there is no sea from the shore, only from the pontoon. At the end of the pontoon there are 2 descents. If you swim towards Cleopatra, then there is not much depth, the reef is not very beautiful, but there are many different fish. In the morning a tortoise, big stingrays sailed to this side of the reef. There is also a large moray eel living in the reef, every morning she slept in her hole. Closer to Cleopatra there is not a bad reef. But if you want to see a beautiful reef and reef gardens, then sail from the pontoon to the right, towards Labranda on Makadi reef. Here the reef is just a delight! It is impossible to describe in words! I brought 10 GB of video memories with me. In the open sea, they land on more modest reefs. Last year we were shown how to swim on the reef, where to swim. I have never seen such a reef, although I have been resting in Egypt for many years, 2-3 times a year. In Sharm I was in different places, everywhere there was a reef, beautiful, but I have not seen such gardens either near hotels or on the high seas. And here is the house reef, swim and enjoy the beauty. I want to return to this place and I will definitely return.
A fly in the ointment, or rather fuel oil, in the sea - boats and boats. I hope they will be removed and the sea will again be clean at the pontoon.
Do I recommend the hotel? Yes, only for those who are ready to walk 400 m to the beauty of the sea, who need a reef and marine life, who want to swim with a turtle, see an eagle stingray at a distance of 1-2 meters.
Who needs a sunset from the shore and a sandy bottom - pass by, this is not your hotel.
And I know for sure that I will return to Stella.
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