Busy January at Titanic Beach Resort 5

It is sad to note, but for a winter vacation with two children (11 and 3 years old), with all the variety of destinations, Egypt remains a priority. No, not because holidays in Egypt are somehow not satisfactory, but it’s bad that nothing similar appears in other countries. Sometimes it’s expensive, sometimes it’s a long flight, sometimes the infrastructure of hotels is poor. In general, when the option with a vacation in January was decided in December, we were looking for it clearly in the country of the pharaohs.
There are many convenient sites where you can track price dynamics online. I use www. otpusk. com because there are quite a few filters there to help with tour selection. The criteria for selecting tours were simple: 4-5 stars, the number of nights from 10 to 12, all-inclusive meals, accommodation 2 + 2 (two adults and two children), a water park and a hotel rating on the Turpravda website of at least 8. According to all these criteria, the most Titanic Beach Spa & Aqua Park 5 * turned out to be cheap, which in my case in finance was $ 1.107 for 11 nights. The price was very attractive, as was the departure time (01/13/19 at 3.30 am there, 01/24/19 at 19.05 back), so I ordered and paid for this tour without delay. A couple of days later, I received a package of documents, which turned out to be an unpleasant surprise - the departure time to Hurghada has changed, it’s always a very convenient night departure at 3.30 in the morning (at which we would have been at the hotel until lunch), we were fixed a flight at 14.40, that is, with This shift at 11 o'clock we had time at best for dinner. The most interesting thing is that this tour continued to be sold further with a beautiful departure at 3.30 am, simply TO "Coral Travel", lures you with a convenient departure time, but in reality it offers something different. Such a mini-scam, completely legal, but not coloring a solid MOT.
Jokes with the departure time continued the day before departure. The website of the Borispol airport scoreboard showed that the departure was postponed to 13.40, an hour earlier than planned. Cases in which an already scheduled departure time is postponed earlier are not uncommon, but why did the TO not inform its tourists about this important change? Not everyone is attentive, they can blindly trust electronic tickets and get an unpleasant surprise upon arrival at the airport. Well, okay, we are getting ready on the morning of January 13, I double-check the departure time on the airport website, order a taxi, we arrive, and... we see that our flight is delayed by two hours, until 15.40. Yes, what is it! There is nothing to do, we distribute tasty treats to the children, and we sit in the waiting room, looking longingly through the huge panoramic windows at snow-covered Kyiv. We wait for registration, go through all the formalities, get into the “clean” zone with Duty Free, buy up all sorts of “useful things”, and go along the “sleeve” to the plane.
What I didn’t like at first glance in the cabin was the small gaps between the seats. WELL, VERY SMALL gaps. Such a minibus to Hurghada ; -) I hardly squeeze into my seat, and I understand that it will be difficult, painful, and unpleasant for me to sit : -(. This is the most uncomfortable plane of all our flights, I didn’t even imagine that there were such places. we had a rather interesting distribution, the children sat in front, and my wife and I behind them. The whole flight went fine, without excesses, the children slept, ate, played on the tablet, in general, they did not get bored ; -) Airlines are saving more and more on free services : if at the beginning of our flights in 2005, good meals were served on the plane, they offered alcohol (wine or cognac), then first alcoholic drinks disappeared, then the food itself, now the stewards only offer tea / coffee / water for free, everything else is offered to be bought at niipik prices . Come on, four hours of summer to summer flew by quickly.
At the Hurghada airport, the Egyptians brilliantly demonstrated their ability to make a problem out of nothing! At the same time, several more flights arrived with us, when we approached the counters, they were all (except for two) were closed!! ! Naturally, huge queues lined up, no, rather unorganized crowds of people who tried to squeeze through to the racks. And do you know what one of the two border guards working at the windows did to speed up the passport check? He CLOSED HIS STAND, AND WENT TO CALL SOMEONE FOR HELP! After that, two unorganized queues turned into one huge unorganized crowd. It seems that the Arabs do not have data on arriving flights, and this came as a huge surprise to them. In general, after five or ten minutes, several more Egyptians in uniform came running, three more counters opened, and the passport check went much more fun.
After that, everything was standard: baggage collection / bus / notation from the guide / check-in to the room. With two children, we only wanted a room on the first floor, although the receptionist persuaded us to a good room on the second floor. Seeing the futility of his persuasion, the receptionist gave us a room on the first floor. Since everything in the hotel is stylized as a nautical theme, all employees wear a uniform stylized as a nautical one, so the porter who came up was dressed as a sailor. He cheerfully picked up our luggage, very surprised that a family with two small children had only one suitcase.
It was 9:45 pm on the clock, and, remembering that restaurants in hotels usually close at 10 pm, I flew downstairs with the whole hungry family to look for a restaurant. The first on our way was the Jack restaurant, where we successfully broke into. It was embarrassing that all the dishes were warmed up, the tables were set, the staff was on site, but... absolutely none of the vacationers were there. All the Arabs looked at us somewhat surprised, one came up and tried to explain something, but when he saw that the children were already serving their own food, he waved his hand and affably pointed to the hall (later I found out that this restaurant closed at 21.30, and after half an hour opened for a late dinner, which ended at 23 o'clock, and we got just in time for the "shift change"). On this day, we no longer wanted to find out anything, and after dinner we fell into the room, unpacked a bit, and went to bed.
In the morning we woke up from... cold. Yes, having flown in to bask in the sun, we woke up frozen, despite the fact that we were covered with all the blankets. Looking out onto the balcony, I saw a courtyard that looked more like a well. All the plants and trees in the yard were desperately reaching up, in the vain hope of getting at least a ray of sunshine. There was an ice pool in front of the entrance to the room, which did not add positive, as it only increased the coolness of the air. My wife, who was skeptical about the location of our room, offered to go to the reception and change it to a more sunny one.
Before that, we had to visit the most important event, on which all our further rest, our safety, our health, and everything depended!! ! It was with these words that we were persuaded yesterday... to come to a meeting with a guide. In general, while the whole family went to breakfast, I went to this "fateful" meeting. And this was not quite close, since the meeting was scheduled at a nearby hotel (two hotels, Titanic Beach and Titanic Palace, were actually united by the same infrastructure, but had different receptions). Our guide in Coral Travel branded clothes was already lazily looking through something on his smartphone, waiting for fucks tourists to gather around him, and they would be ready to listen to his words. The form that yesterday's guide had, and today's was credited - it was very reminiscent of the blue Adidas tracksuits that were popular in the late 90s with gopniks and "brothers". Having waited for everyone who wanted to listen to him, the guide broadcast haughtily examined us, reprimanded me that I had come myself, and not the whole family, after which he began to broadcast. His monologue lasted almost an hour: in the first five minutes he talked about the nuances of departure and the working hours of restaurants, and then for 55 minutes he talked about excursions, how he takes care of us, choosing the best of them, scaring us with scary stories about tourists who bought an excursion with him, we went with bad Arabs, and SUCH happened to them !! ! Then he began to drive a clear blizzard about the fact that our insurance is valid only at the hotel, and only on excursions bought from him (later we bought excursions from another agency, the price was lower by 40-50%). Right now, God forbid, we will go on our own in Hurghada, and something happens to us, then no one is responsible for us! I did not have the slightest desire to argue with him, I was not interested, I wanted to get to my people faster and relax on the beach. At the end, the guide handed out questionnaires, we filled them out, and that was the end of the official part.
I was in a hurry to get to the room, but just realized that I wanted to change the number!! ! I go to the reception, explain to the Arab that we are uncomfortable in the room, and we want to change it to a more sunny one. He, of course, makes a sad face, and sadly reports that all the sunny rooms are occupied, and he can do nothing to help. It's clear, a minute of bargaining, and we agree on 20 euros for a VERY GOOD AND SUNNY room. Prudently, I inform that he will receive the money if my wife approves the number, the Arab makes a mournful face, and assures that even Nefertitti would be happy to live in such a room ; -) Okay, I take the magnetic card, find Anyuta with the children, look at the number, we are very satisfied (the room is really sunny, clean and convenient in terms of location), we drag things, give the old card to the receptionist, quietly transfer 20 euros, and on this all the re-piping with the move was over.
In winter, the location of the room is very important. On the north side, the room is constantly cold, very uncomfortable, so the sunny side is VERY desirable. In the room itself, the fatigue of furniture and fittings was visible (almost immediately the handle of one locker flew off, the sockets were broken, and nothing was holding in them, the door to the balcony opened with great effort, a draft was constantly drawn from under the front door), the mattresses were normal , bed linen was clean, all plumbing worked, in general, there were no serious complaints.
We had a standard room with 2+2 accommodation. It was comfortable to sleep: my wife and I had two huge beds connected, and for the children we laid out a sofa, on which we put a mattress ordered in advance at the reception.
The situation with the kettle was incomprehensible - there was an electric kettle on a stand, but there was no socket near it, and in order to boil the kettle, it had to be placed on the floor, near the balcony. A mysterious decision of the designer, which I did not understand.
For the first couple of days, the water in the bathroom was barely warm, I went to the girl on Guest Relation, expressed my dissatisfaction, and she immediately called the person in charge to turn on the water heating for us. It turns out that the water heating is turned on only on demand! They cleaned the room well, unobtrusively, replenished water and toilet paper on time, the 10-15 pounds left for the cleaner was clearly not superfluous. Towels were changed on first request, bed linen too.
We had a second floor, so there was a small balcony, which we dragged an ottoman, which we used as a footstool. In addition to it, there was a nice table and two chairs on the balcony, so in the evenings my wife and I sat with great pleasure with something tasty, admiring the illuminated pools, and a beautiful sunset, watching the fireball slowly set behind the mountains, beautifully illuminating the sky...
The main criterion in nutrition was NOT TO POISON! Having shoveled a bunch of reviews before the trip, I did not find any information about low-quality food in this hotel, this pleased me immensely.
We got exactly what we wanted from the hotel food - tasty and safe! The assortment was average, food in the Sunrise chain or Jungle Aqua Park was an order of magnitude higher. But all the products were cooked with high quality, spices were used in moderation, fruits were constantly available. A serious disadvantage was the complete absence of juices in the hotel, they were not available at all in any form, even for money (I think I think about fresh juices, why - I will write later). I can’t call that juice that was spinning with ice in plastic containers and poured on its own as juices. The problem was solved by buying a box of juices in Senzo Mall, we took them to restaurants as needed, and poured them out to children there. We do not give lemonade from vending machines to children, so we managed with juices and mineral water, which could be obtained at the reception. By the way, bottled water could only be obtained there (at the reception), while in most hotels where we were, it was quietly issued in restaurants and bars on site.
The meat assortment was limited to two or three types of meat, but quite often something was fried in the oven or on the grill on the street. For 12 days, we got grilled seafood three times (quite edible, even squid did not resemble rubber), a couple of times we came across quails (not dried, but very tasty in a spicy marinade), duck, jacket (beef cutlets), a variety of fish (a little it was annoying that she was fried IN SCALES, AND WITH INSIDES).
Fruits were generally limited to melons, bananas, oranges and dates. The melons were delicious every other time, but the oranges were greenish almost all the time, and given that they were all sliced, they had no chance of ripening. Sometimes I came across strawberries and guava, but it was only once or twice.
The staff turned a blind eye to the fact that many tourists (including us) took food out of restaurants in order to absorb it near the room, or already in it. As a rule, after having a tight dinner, we collected a couple of plates of fruit for the children, and walked to the room, no one stopped us, and made no claims.
In the afternoon, French fries, burgers were fried near the pools, there were always fresh cut fruits and vegetables, so you could survive the terrible two or three hours (when the restaurants were closed) without feeling the pangs of hunger ; -)
We haven't tried alcohol, so I can't comment on its quality.
About fresh juices, I can say the following: they are NOT FRESH!! ! More precisely, not all of them are fresh. Some freshly squeezed juices are really made in front of you (pomegranate, orange, apple, carrot), but mango and pineapple will never be made in front of you, although they are always available in the refrigerator. I basically ask you to always make a fresh juice with me (firstly, I want to personally make sure that it is freshly squeezed juice, and secondly, all freshly squeezed juices are most useful only for a short period after preparation), but the cunningly yellow Arabs all the time sadly shrugged their hands, they say, there is already squeezed today's fresh, and until he sells it, it makes no sense to squeeze fresh. On my proposal to come in the morning, so that the Arab would make a mango fresh in front of me, I was always refused, under any pretext. Once we took mango fresh, it was delicious, but I was tormented by doubts that it was fresh. And then one early morning I saw a seller of fresh juices I knew, who was walking to his counter near the children's pool. In his hands were two cans of FROZEN MANGO JUICE. The canisters were covered in frost and bulged a little on the sides, so the mango mass in them was definitely frozen. As far as I understand, at the height of the mango season, the Arabs massively squeeze it out and freeze it in order to subsequently sell it on tap. The price of mango fluctuates greatly from seasonality (a difference of 300-400%), so it is expensive to make fresh juice out of it in the off season, and they came up with this way of saving. Another question is how they dilute it (mango puree is very thick, but in our glass we had a normal consistency). In general, there is a slight scam, since this frozen mass cannot be called fresh, although it is a natural product. And it’s still unknown what these canisters are from, it’s far from the fact that they are made of food-grade plastic that can be frozen.
More than once during the trip, we had a hearty dinner in one restaurant, after which we rested in the room, and, leaving the children with the tablet alone in the room, my wife and I visited the restaurant of the neighboring hotel in order to enjoy delicious food in blissful peace and quiet. . .
The final rating from us for food/service is 4+.
The eldest daughter is a professional swimmer, and we flew to Egypt under my promise to the coach that we would train every day and eat right (without overeating, soda and sweets). If there were no problems with food (Margo strictly adhered to the recommendations of the coach), then there were problems with the pool. It was necessary to find a large warm pool, with sides from which one could turn around, and preferably deserted. After examining the territory of the hotel, it turned out that there was an unambiguous span with bumpers for repulsion (almost all the pools had rounded outlines), but there was only one relatively deserted pool - opposite the reception. I had to give up on the turning technique, we decided to limit ourselves to swimming.
We got two 45-minute workouts a day. Margot warmed up and began to perform a set of swimming exercises (different styles, without breathing, or using only legs), and I sat proudly on the lifeguard’s bridge, and in a strict tone gave my daughter a sea of absolutely meaningless instructions and comments on technique and styles (I myself I swim badly and don't really like this business). Margot perfectly understood that I was playing the fool, but she diligently pretended that I was helping her a lot with my instructions. I gave instructions out of boredom, I still had to control her training, and just sitting on the sidelines was not interesting. From the outside, it looked quite plausible - my child swims well, and I perfectly got used to the role of a professional coach ; -)
My fooling around gave a rather unexpected result - several times moms / dads of other children came up and asked very respectfully at what age I recruit children, and if I could give a couple of lessons in the near future.
With the most tired look, I explained that due to my extremely high qualifications, I have a huge queue of people who want to get to my classes, and now I don’t take anyone, because my students have many international competitions ahead, and I also need to rest. Damn, it was really possible to make good money here, but I can barely swim myself, and it’s dumb to teach this to children, I don’t even have a theory...
Although Hurghada has been crossed by us for more than one year, somehow we still haven’t been able to get to the fish market. According to the reviews of people who have been there repeatedly, the place to visit was very worthwhile and interesting.
It was decided to go there in the morning. I rejected a taxi from the hotel indignantly (340 pounds for a trip in both directions seemed to me a clear overkill), I decided to order a taxi through the local Fawry Taxi service, where the price was much more humane (63 pounds one way), but they constantly froze with car delivery ("Not yet, wait", "Still not found, wait"), so it was decided to go by street taxi.
Street taxi near Hurghada is a separate story, with sad notes ; -) It will be very difficult for an inexperienced traveler to get to the desired point on it, and not run into a scandal related to payment. We have already driven and moved these taxis more than once, so the boarding / trip algorithm has been worked out to the smallest detail.
We go out into the street, fighting off local lured hotel taxi drivers grazing near the exit of the hotel. At the same time, we need to convince them that we don’t want to go anywhere at all, but just went out for a walk, because if they suspect that we want to order another taxi, they will relentlessly follow us on foot, getting us, and scaring off the “wild” taxi drivers.
Having successfully passed them, we retreated to a safe distance, and I began to look out for "free artists". Considering that every second car in Hurghada is a taxi, there was nothing to wait for ; -) I rejected the first taxi right away, as soon as it slowed down near us - it was smoky in the cabin, and the elderly taxi driver just threw the "bull" out the window. Naturally, the taxi driver did not just leave, he waved his hands in the cabin for a long time, dispersing the smoke, and urged me to get into his car. Knowing full well that this could go on for a long time, I just moved on and began to catch another car. The second car, which appeared after about twenty seconds, suited me perfectly, and I started bargaining with a taxi driver (in English):
- Hello, we need to go to the fish market.
- How much?
- Eighty pounds.
- Forty.
- Eighty.
- Forty-five for all.
- Sixty.
- Fifty for all, last price.
- Sixty.
- Bye. . .
- Let's go!
- Fifty satisfied?
- Yes, let's go.
- Once again: fifty EGYPTIAN pounds, ALL, trip to the fish market.
- Yes, agreed.
It’s not in vain that I specify that the pounds are Egyptian pounds (there were a couple of times that taxi drivers rolled their eyes, surprised that I didn’t understand that they had a price in ENGLISH pounds), and that the price for a trip is for everyone in the car (they love to prove that the price was negotiated FROM THE PASSENGER, that is, they then multiplied the agreed price for the trip by the number of tourists in the car, and demanded to pay this amount). The main thing in this bargain is to make it clear to the taxi driver that you know exactly how much you are willing to pay, and you will no longer be beaten out of anything extra.
Ok, let's get into the car with the whole crowd, I'm in front, and my wife and children are in the back. It's a decent ride, about fifteen minutes. The taxi driver asks if I would be against the music in the cabin, I say that I don’t care, he cuts in some local tunes, simultaneously trying to make incomprehensible movements that vaguely resemble a dance. I don't pay any attention to him, looking out the window with interest, noting the changes in the city that have appeared since the last trip. When we get to the beginning of the Hurghada embankment, we disembark, give the taxi driver a fifty-pound note prepared in advance, he looks at it with a dumbfounded look, and demands another 10 pounds... for music. Laughing, I refuse him this, he takes 50 pounds with an upset look, showing with his whole appearance how rude and cruel I am, not appreciating his efforts to diversify our trip with beautiful Arabic music!!!
We walked through the aisles several times, eventually bought two kilograms of the largest shrimp, a large eel and a lobster. All this in total cost us 760 pounds (45 dollars). The shrimp was immediately grilled with vegetables, the eel was baked in foil, and the lobster was cooked. While all this was being prepared, we walked to the berry stand and bought three kilograms of strawberries for three dollars.
After picking up all the seafood, we went outside the market, a taxi stopped right next to us. I got ready for a long bargain, but I came across a completely uncharacteristic Arab who just took (without bargaining, moaning and na. . . fishing), and drove us to the hotel for 60 pounds!
In the room, we laid out all our purchases on the balcony table, and began to luxuriate. My wife ate one shrimp, Margo (eldest daughter) two, Ira (youngest) refused to eat “. . . this disgusting thing... ”, so to my indescribable delight, I ate all this delicacy almost on my own. The girls recouped on strawberries, which were sentenced almost instantly. We really liked the market, everything is delicious, and relatively inexpensive.
Looking ahead, I can say that a couple of days later we again went to this market, where we bought shrimp and strawberries. I think that on our next trips to Hurghada we will visit it more than once...
Our catch from the fish market
The number of trips to Egypt has already exceeded a dozen, and we still have not deigned to get out to Luxor. Everything somehow did not work out, either financially, or the weather, or some other terrible reasons. We decided to correct this omission on this trip, but there was no desire to go there with a four-year-old child, so at the family council it was decided that my wife and eldest daughter (11 years old) would go there, and I was left with a heavy burden of care in the form of feeding a four-year-old Ira (in restaurants), walking her air (in the pool and kids club) and the solemn meeting of sightseers in the evening in the hotel lobby ; -)
As the guide already informed us, it was only possible to buy excursions from him, since he is personally responsible for us, and there is no greater grief for him than careless tourists who bought an excursion elsewhere!! ! They will definitely be deceived there, robbed at exorbitant prices, and spoil the impression with unqualified guides! Therefore, we compared the prices for excursions from our blessed guide, with the prices for the same excursions from some blasphemous Egyptian travel agency that friends recommended to us. The comparison turned out not at all in favor of our guide, since all the prices in his price list were exactly twice as high. And with a heavy heart, we had to book an excursion to Luxor not from him. After a ten-minute correspondence on Viber with a representative of this TA, we agreed on the following prices: a trip to Luxor with a visit to a banana island for one adult and one child cost us $67 (38+7+19+3). They were supposed to pick us up early in the morning at the entrance to the hotel, and bring us there late in the evening.
In the evening at the reception, I ordered two lunch boxes. Prudently, I did not say what they were for, you never know, suddenly they leak information to our hotel guide, who can start doing us dirty tricks. I was not particularly afraid of this, but why tempt fate?
In the early morning (at four in the morning) I sent my girls out, they gathered all the warm clothes, I stayed in the room (the youngest daughter naturally slept). On the way, my lunch boxes were picked up at the reception. They were waiting for the bus outside the hotel, just behind the barrier. The wait was short, about ten minutes, the last time they unsubscribed that they were getting on the bus, after which I went to bed with a sense of calmness.
The tour itself was very pleasant to my wife and daughter, despite the difficult journey. The guide was adequate, spoke Russian well, talked interestingly about the places they passed, helped with problems. Interestingly, during the day in Luxor it was quite hot, the sultry air seemed to envelop, I had to drink a lot in order to avoid problems with overheating. And this is in January! The excursion to the banana island was entertaining, although at the end the guide was a little in a hurry, since Luxor had to be left before 17:00, since they were not allowed out of the city later. Despite the coolness of January, it was very hot in Luxor, the stones heat up, and this creates additional thermal radiation.
My travelers arrived at nine o'clock in the evening, NONE, tired, but happy.
1. We bought champagne in the dutik, I decided to add tangerine juice to it, to make a cocktail. He squeezed out the juice, mixed it - a rare muck, poured it into the sink. I'm a sucker for a bartender. . .
2. I saw a T-shirt in Spinneys with a photo of some man rumpled by life and a strange inscription "King of Egypt". Why king and not pharaoh? At first I thought that it was a joke for Russian tourists, they say, have fun, don't shave, and be the king on vacation.
The next morning I looked at the photo again, and it dawned on me. The T-shirt depicts Mohammed Sallah, the coolest Egyptian footballer of our time, playing for the English Liverpool.
P. S. By the way, in the hotel, on huge screens, the matches of Liverpool are constantly shown, and only Liverpool, other matches in the Premier League are not interesting for the Egyptians...
3. Looked after a jacket in Waikiki. Took the largest size, XXXL! The sleeves do not even reach the wrist, well, such a T-shirt, for the winter. . .
4. It's annoying that every time you leave the room and take out the card, you de-energize the sockets, and nothing is charged. After a couple of experiments, it turned out that the PrivatBank chip card, lowered into the electronic unit with the CHIP DOWN, works fine as a separate one, leaving the sockets energized. . .
A plastic card is a pledge of charged gadgets!
5. The weather throughout the rest was excellent, the wind was moderate, so we were lucky in this, because it was very easy to get under the khamsin at this time of the year.
Two days before departure, Irishka's youngest daughter had a fever and began to cough. I don’t know why, but this time I got excited about something, and decided to take her to the doctor on insurance.
At the reception of our hotel, we were directed to the reception of "Titanic Palace", from there we were redirected to the street, and there, around the corner, we found an unsightly building with the inscription "Clinic". Inside we were met by a charming young man who found us a doctor within five minutes. I show the insurance, the receptionist and the doctor study it for a long time, and they will look at it this way, and turn it this way, something she did not impress them, they began to call somewhere to verify the data. This whole circus took about 15 minutes, after which they deigned to accept us. In broken English I explain the situation, show a leaflet, over time, when and what kind of antipyretic we gave the child. The doctor nods thoughtfully with an air of importance, after which he says:
- You have a $15 insurance deductible, do you know that?
- Yes, I know, I have the money with me.
- But if the problem is related to allergies, then the deductible will be $ 75.
- Opa, where is it written? I don't have this in my insurance.
- Well, here are our internal rules, if it turns out that your girl's temperature is due to allergies, then you will have to pay 75 dollars.
I look at him with a vague feeling that they want to fuck me....well, how will he determine during an external examination of the child that the cause is allergies?!?! ? As for me, for such a conclusion, you need to do a bunch of tests, and only after that, with relative certainty, make such a diagnosis. Okay, I say, let's examine the child, we'll see. The doctor nods, invites you into the examination room, and then it BEGINS! Irishka is a completely calm child, not in conflict, but then she threw SUCH a tantrum that mom does not grieve! She didn’t let the doctor near her, we were all amazed! Nothing helped: no persuasion, no promises of sweets, well, nothing... After five minutes of this circus, we gave up, took the child, and left the clinic home. In general, it didn’t work out for us to use Egyptian medicine, it didn’t work out...
The check-out information was posted on the stand in a timely manner, we checked out of the room on time, no one cut off our bracelets, and there were no restrictions on the use of the hotel infrastructure. I confess - before leaving, we gathered fruit for the children on the road, at the same time taking a couple of bottles of water. The transfer was on time, delivered in the best possible way, everything was as always until the moment when we got through customs.
Inspection this year was WOW! Firstly, absolutely all passengers were carefully SEARCHED (if earlier it was selective, now no one escaped this procedure), secondly, they searched through all the luggage, looked for liquids, and mercilessly threw them into the trash. We had four bottles of water (we found three of them), and six packs of juice (only two were not found), stuffed into different compartments of all bags. At the same time, the Egyptian freaks did not even let the children drink these juices, but defiantly threw them into the trash. I’m more than sure that everything sealed is then sold at the airport itself, but it’s definitely not going to be scrapped!
While we were waiting, we bought two coffees for 60 pounds, distributed sweets to the children, gave out water. . . The flight went smoothly, everything was routine, according to the schedule, in Ukraine the customs and border guards were very courtesy, the suitcase arrived quickly, so the end of the trip passed smoothly, and without problems…
The insurance company should direct by phone (in response to your call), and not the guide, believe me ... I ate the dog on this :)
Должна направлять страховая по телефону (в ответ на ваш звонок), а не гид, уж поверьте... собаку на этом съела :)
Which sea in January was stormy, calm and comfortable sea water? Corals? Fish? Windy?
Какое море в январе -штормило, спокойное и камфортность морской воды? Кораллы? Рыбки? Ветренно?
Which sea in January was stormy, calm and comfortable sea water? Corals? Fish? Windy?
Какое море в январе -штормило, спокойное и камфортность морской воды? Кораллы? Рыбки? Ветренно?
That allapopovaalla
We were lucky with the weather - there was almost no wind, and the sea was 22 degrees. The corals are good, there are many fish, this is a rarity for Hurghada.
То allapopovaalla
Нам с погодой повезло - ветра почти не было, а море было 22 градуса. Кораллы хорошие, рыбок много, это большая редкость для Хургады.
That allapopovaalla
We were lucky with the weather - there was almost no wind, and the sea was 22 degrees. The corals are good, there are many fish, this is a rarity for Hurghada.
То allapopovaalla
Нам с погодой повезло - ветра почти не было, а море было 22 градуса. Кораллы хорошие, рыбок много, это большая редкость для Хургады.