Question about hotel Sunny Days El Palacio 4*

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How to change a disk with photos?
Hello! We were diving in Hurghada, after they brought us a disk with photos, when we arrived in Kyiv, they went nuts, the disk is not ours! Is there a way to get your photos?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2012-08-2812 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар lena1309
If you have an email address, please write to them. Perhaps they will send a photo to you by E-mail. Trying is not torture.
аватар sparkly
You can try to get pictures through the person who sold you the tour. He will contact the diving center and if they have not deleted these pictures, then ask them to send them (via Skype, for example)
аватар sparkly
Or, as lena1309 advises, find the email of the diving center (if you remember the name of the center, google it, their email should be on the internet) and ask to send the photos by email
аватар A_lis_kA
Thanks everyone, I'll try it :)
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