
Written: 18 october 2018
Travel time: 1 — 10 september 2018
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 3.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 4.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 3.0
We chose the hotel based on online reviews. We still don't understand why tourists praise it so much. I can only give a solid 5 to the sea - warm, clean, pleasant sunset, few fish, but we knew about it.
Everything else is crap.
The rooms are old, the equipment is antediluvian.
There is no territory, there are passages between the buildings.
WI-FI in the rooms does not catch, at the reception it works slowly.
The animation is sluggish, the evening show program is boring and monotonous.
The food is the same every day, we didn’t get poisoned, and thanks for that. Alcohol and drinks are just awful, drinking them is dangerous to health.
At the pool bar, it's high time to change the plastic dishes, they are just nasty.
The staff is lazy and lethargic.
The hotel is on the outskirts, there are shops nearby, you can buy cheap beach souvenirs. The only way to get to the center is by taxi.

In connection with the tourist crisis in the hotels of Egypt allowed the entry of the local public. Wild people, wild customs - they scream day and night, they throw garbage under their feet, they grab food in the restaurant, as if they had never eaten before, and they smoke, smoke, smoke.
It is disgusting that the hotel smokes EVERYWHERE - on the beach, in the lobby bar, during the show program. The administration encourages this in every possible way with ashtrays. The presence of children and non-smokers around does not bother anyone.
I can not say separately about the representatives of Anex Tour - arrogant, stupid, greedy extortionists. Why are tourists OBLIGED to attend their tour sales meetings? Why are the problems of tourists solved if you come to the meeting, and if you don’t come, then they defiantly ignore you? Anex Tour is clearly confusing something in its priorities. Very bad experience with them!
The general conclusion about the hotel - once upon a time, perhaps it was all very cool, many tourists came and life was in full swing. Today, all this looks unsightly - it's time to make repairs, change equipment, turn on WI-FI, develop and keep up with the times, live by past merits and expect that everything will be fine soon - this is ridiculous and not modern. Tourists are no longer interested. Even within a modest budget, you can find more attractive options.
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