Expected more

Written: 22 april 2010
Travel time: 9 — 19 april 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 9.0
We arrived two days ago and the feeling that we did not rest. A year ago, we rested in neighboring Leila and were completely delighted. Year chose somewhere else in Hurghada to go. We read reviews of enthusiastic fellow citizens and went to the Jungle.
At the reception, I remembered the very first review in the Tour of Truth from a woman who was rude at the reception. With us, everything was repeated exactly 100% - they rudely said that the numbers are not known when they will be. Immediately settled a whole bus of Germans. We gave $10. When we came back an hour later, they just didn't send it. Turning to "YOU", they threatened to send us to another hotel if we did not behave ourselves "correctly". After waiting from 10.00 to 14.00, they were given $20 each, and the best rooms with a view of the water park fell down on the group from a magic sleeve. Until the end of the holiday at the reception, we no longer went in order not to see these lovely people.
Of the negative was also cleaning. For cleaning up the bed (in Russia, women do this themselves), the young man extorted very persistently. At the same time, the floors were not washed, the dust was not wiped. Probably, in his opinion, the bed is the cleaning of the room.

After two such cleanings for $ 1, we hung "do not disturb" on the door. Fortunately, you can take water everywhere, and I went to his house to get toilet paper.
Of the attractions of the Jungle, watering the lawns with sewage in the scorching sun is also good (which makes the smell intensify) and killing flies from a vacuum cleaner with dichlorvos throughout the hotel in the evenings.
And the rest - a wonderful water park. We rolled on the slides to complete insanity. We ate very tasty fish and buns. We slept in four beds together. True, the shower did not work in the room for the first five days (it was simply broken off) and the refrigerator, but after the fifth reminder everything was brought back to good condition.
The screaming crowds of German children were very tired. Disappointed by the lack of decent animation. We looked at "Mr. Jungle" once, but even looking at it is somehow indecent, like cheap pronography.
From entertainment, we went to the supermarket and went in the evening by taxi for a walk in the center of Hurghada. For the second year, we like to stock up on souvenirs and cotton at the Ramstore opposite the Simbad Hotel, next to McDonald's. Prices are fixed, a large selection of souvenirs and jerseys made of real cotton.
We have been to the sea twice. Firstly, waiting for a bus for 30 minutes is tiring, and secondly, the sea is somehow shallow and dirty.
In short: the hotel is large, the food is good, but all this is for those who are under 16-18 years old. An adult person will go crazy all day long or just lie by the pool. Advantages over other hotels: they do not limit the amount of food and water, they feed well, a really large water park. Disadvantages: well, very far from the sea (in the summer it’s probably impossible to get there in the heat), well, a lot of noise and loud music. And the rest: on the fourth.
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