Great hotel for a relaxing holiday

Written: 16 september 2007
Travel time: 16 — 23 september 2006
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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For a relaxing holiday, the hotel is just super! Fans of noisy discos - not here. The staff is well trained, polite, friendly and not pushy. The owner is the Deputy Minister of the Interior of Egypt. Therefore, the order among the staff is ideal. Cleanliness is almost sterile. Cleaners clean the area from morning to night. A huge beach, there are a lot of sunbeds, more than those who wish, they stand far from each other, there is no crowding. The rooms are simply huge, there is a lot of air and light, again, cleanliness !!! ! Food is also in order. There are even crabs. Such sweets - just take care of your figure !! ! Too bad we didn't make it this year!
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