And again Hurghada-))))

Written: 3 june 2012
Travel time: 3 — 16 april 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
So, back to Hurghada. Triron Empier Hotel. I read a lot of reviews before going. It seems to me that this is one of the most popular "three rubles" in Hurghada. The hotel was selected on the principle of price-quality. Expectations justified themselves. Everything that is written in positive reviews is pure truth! The hotel is located in the Dahar area, on the second line from the sea. On the first is the Triron Empier Beach hotel. There is also the Triron Inn. But this is a very small hotel, the guests of which eat mainly in the restaurant "Triron Empier Hotel". Comparing the Beach and the Hotel, according to the reviews of the residents, it can be noted that the Hotel rooms are newer and more spacious, although there is a minus in the distance from the beach. Meals in the main restaurant. The food is very high quality, varied, every day - some kind of national cuisine. This can be seen from the napkins with national flags on the tables. True, there was no Russian cuisine. -))) I can’t say anything about dinners, because I took half board. But breakfasts and dinners are beyond praise. Yes, I heard complaints from some of our compatriots of immense dimensions about the monotony in food. But. . . after looking at the amount of food they collected at a time, everything became clear-)))). -150, which have already been purchased at home.
So breakfast. Omelet, pancakes that are fried right in front of you, vegetables, some hot local dishes such as beans, a large number of buns, yoghurts, jams, cheese, feta cheese (very tasty !!! ), sausage (disgusting as everywhere in Turkey and in Egypt), tea, coffee, juices (diluted packaged), but this is just a "three-ruble note". It is not allowed to take food out of the restaurant, as elsewhere. But for a Russian person, nothing is impossible. I watched a picture of how one elderly lady from Russia put buns from breakfast in her immense bag, fearing that she would simply not make it until 18 o’clock without them and would die of hunger. And then a terrible headline would appear in the newspapers: “The starvation of a Russian one of the hotels in Hurghada "-)))) Yes, no one stopped her at the exit, but you should have seen the eyes of a German who was sitting at the next table and looking at all this-)))) He probably remembered 1941-))) )
Dinner. Soups mashed (for an amateur, but who tried it, then they always took them), always chicken, meat (beef, lamb), very tasty fish, side dishes - rice, pasta, potatoes, lasagna, vegetables, fruits (dates, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, melons) Delicious pastries - cakes, pastries, soufflé s. Yes, drinks at dinner for those who are on half board are paid. Therefore, it’s better to either bring water with you, or (as many of our tourists did), “snack” tea bags from breakfast, and top up boiling water for dinner (it’s free). I can’t say anything about alcoholic drinks, but those who was "all inclusive" did not complain. In any case, the beer was praised-)))) In short, the food in this hotel is up to the mark and, in my opinion, is no worse than in hotels of a higher category.

The rooms are very large, everything works, there were no problems with either water or plumbing. The hotel is 6-storey, more than 400 rooms in total, they are cleaned well, all depending on the tips left.
The beach is large enough, although for three hotels, it may be small. But you could always find sun loungers on the pier, the main thing is not to sleep until 12 o'clock, but try to come a little -))) early. Towels are issued on the beach using hotel cards, which must be cherished like the apple of an eye, because for their loss you will have to pay something around 10 euros-((((There is animation on the beach, in all its manifestations, from water aerobics to belly dancing. In the evening, there is live music in the hotel lobby, when the evenings became warm, the musicians moved to the pool.
From the hotel to the beach you need to go along a small street where shops are located and, like everywhere else in Egypt, well, oh-so-very annoying sellers. However, over time (after 3-4 days), they will get used to you and will no longer rush out shouting: “Hello, friend! I just returned from Moscow (Kemerovo, Rostov, Krasnodar), my mom and dad are there, etc. d. " Therefore, the acquisition of an even tan is the most effective means of protection against such harassment. And the second is to walk on the opposite side of the street with a businesslike look, as if you are not interested in anything else besides the beach and the sun-)))) Although there are a couple of very charming sellers on this street, for example, Christian Misha. His shop "St. George" is always open, a hospitable owner and will talk (he speaks a little Russian), and treat you with tea, and sell cheap souvenirs-)))) So, who will be in those places, say hello from Natalia from Russia . Like many merchants, he has a treasured notebook where he collects reviews from tourists and is very proud of it-)))) By the way, it is well known that all Egyptians are very fond of our milk chocolate "Alenka". So if you decide to buy something and bargain profitably, you won’t find a better reason to start bargaining. In general, prices in souvenir shops in Dahar are somewhat lower than in the city center at Sharaton or in tourist areas. The most important thing is to bargain successfully. This is a kind of sport for both the tourist and the seller. We divide the seller's price by 2 and start bargaining from this amount. The only thing that is unacceptable according to the rules of the game - if you have reached the desired price - you cannot refuse to buy and leave, this is almost a blood offense.
About excursions. Since I am in Egypt for the 7th time, I only took an excursion to El Gouna. Everything was great, only unlike previous trips there, for some reason we missed visiting the aquarium. My friends took Luxor, and not from a tour operator, but from a street travel agency (on the same street on the way to the beach). And they were very satisfied. The price is almost two times lower, but there is no difference-))) The same Russian-speaking guide, the same bus, the same restaurant as for those who took with an overpayment from their tour operator. In fact, the meeting with the hotel guide from Pegasus made a very unpleasant impression. This was probably the only negative from this trip to Hurghada. After some tourists refused to buy excursions from her (all had different reasons), she abruptly lost all interest in them, and even when there were problems with the hotel staff, she pretended that she was not interested at all. I’m not talking about myself, since I freely solved all problems with my English, but my compatriots who did not speak foreign languages ​ ​ ​ ​ had to help more than once, and here the behavior of the hotel guide was beyond criticism. And her story about poor tourists from Kemerovo, who (didn’t listen to her, an experienced guide) either they lost, or they stole documents and money from them in some shop, and now they live for 4 (!!!! ) months, unhappy, somewhere in the slums, starving, waiting, when will they get new documents-)))) and they will be able to fly to their homeland. In general, children do not go to Africa for a walk!

As for the situation in Hurghada. Yes, probably a year or two ago the situation was more calm. Cases of deception by taxi drivers have become more frequent, as far as I know, there have even been attacks by taxi drivers on tourists. Yes, there used to be a tourist police who strictly monitored the safety of tourists, this "sacred cow", at present the situation has changed a little for the worse. Here you can advise only one thing - when getting into a taxi, defiantly write down the phone number that is on the driver's window under the heading "For a complaint. " Ideally, I would also write down the number of the car, but here you need to at least know a little Arabic writing, and this is not given to everyone-)))) By the way, this would be very useful to me when the taxi driver "threw" me, showing instead of my 20 pounds , which I gave for travel, 20 piastres (something like our 20 kopecks only with paper money) Whoever saw the game of "thimbles" will understand everything. I had to give another 20 pounds, but when he once again tried to turn the same trick, I went berserk, remembered all the obscene words in three languages, began to shout "Police", after which he got scared and left. And this is where knowledge of Arabic writing would be very useful to me-))) But... we learn from mistakes, well, if from strangers... So learn from mine, dear readers of this review! And be vigilant! Although, in my opinion, the residents of Russian cities who have seen or at least heard about our Russian "night showdowns", Hurghada will seem like a quiet peaceful village.
Good luck to all!
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