I do not advise with children

Written: 14 may 2019
Travel time: 11 — 18 april 2019
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 3.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 4.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 7.0
Hello everybody. Bought a tour for a penny, $ 510 for two, cool not expensive, but the beginning, the girls from "Come with us" gave us papers and tickets for departure at 2 o'clock in the morning, but we checked the departures saw that departure at 00.20, and travel agents were surprised what we told them about it. BE SURE TO CHECK THE DEPARTURE TIME YOURSELF! ! ! !!
Next, arrival at 4 am, bus, airport nearby, + - we are at the hotel at 5 am. During this time, no one paid attention to us until 2 pm, we slept in the lobby, approached to negotiate earlier, we simply did not pay attention, the guys with children flattered the staff with chocolate, but it made little sense. Bracelets are worn after breakfast, well then the bar brings buns and access to tea.
At 14.00 we were given a room, we basically did not pay anyone and ask for another room (after 9 o'clock in the hotel lobby you will understand me).

Flight room, carpet stinks of horror, it is impossible to sleep, 2 single beds, my bed smelled so strange that it was impossible to sleep, on the third day my wife could not stand and leaving $ 5 left a note to the cleaner asking to clean and change the bed, but changed only towels The room was dusted and swept away, there was no more cleaning in the room, they just made the bed. The refrigerator in the room did not work as we did not turn it, that is, it kind of shone like a worker, but in fact did not cool. Gels shampoos are brought, after a complaint that did not bring water, also brought regularly.
The hotel itself is huge, the area is very large but ruined, traders on the way to the beach stick to people, SMOKE IN THE HOTEL, ashtrays near the elevators clogged with cigarette butts, the smell of the kitchen was felt in the room constantly, alcohol is poured generously, with beer sadder than cheap hotels.
The beach is great, the sea is great, the food is normal, breakfast is not very much, a lot of rolls and sweets, lunch and dinner, do not stay hungry. Meat and fish are always of two types, both.
Local shops outside the hotel, which are nearby, you can buy stronger beer and alcohol, I bought "Red Label" 1 liter for 10 bucks, the quality is higher per head than in the hotel, even next to the original, not poisoned at all.
The result, if it is inexpensive to go, go if the price exceeds 600 y, e think read look, this hotel is not more expensive than 500-600, otherwise you will be upset. Personally, we went somewhere every day for the money saved, "luxury", safari, etc. And be sure to go to a fish restaurant, any, all sorts of grilled shrimp is a bomb, we took for $ 23 kg, such as small (our royal rest), very tasty and filling, barely eaten. Good luck to all.
P, S Water park is paid, so you are not told in the agency, and there is dangerous, little water in the pools and safety at zero.
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