Autumn Dresden

05 November 2013 Travel time: with 28 October 2013 on 01 November 2013
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Autumn Dresden!

Last year, traveling through the Bodensee (Lake Constance), we visited the Mini Mundus am Bodensee in Meckenbeuren park, where, like in other similar parks, many of the most beautiful sights of the world are presented in miniature. Unfortunately, at the moment this park is closed, but we managed to visit it. So, of all the miniatures, Dresdner Zwinger attracted the most attention. And so plans for the future about a trip to Dresden were born.

I wrote a review about the Aparthotel Neumarkt 4 * in Dresden.

On the way to Dresden, the landscape did not impress with anything special, but the A4 autobahn pleased me. Almost not loaded at all, in many sections the speed limits were lifted, it was pleasant to drive, we were not tired. After checking into the hotel, we immediately went to the Frauenkirche square. While the sun was shining, I wanted to climb under the dome of the church, the entrance there is under the letter G, Eingang G.

Standing in front of the entrance, I don’t know what to call it, and not a security guard, they are all there in suits and white shirts, and not a church minister - he doesn’t look like, in a word, He who greets, greets, smiles at everyone. Further, the cashier sits at the door, 8.00 euros / person. sells tickets. We turn left to the elevator, it raises to a height of 24 meters, the remaining 44 meters we climb first along a gentle path, then along the stairs. The path is quite wide, goes around the church, serpentine. Illuminated, there are not large windows on the left, but large windows on the right, overlooking the inner part of the church, into its depths. Then there will be a metal staircase on the right, quite wide, there will be a sign next to it, Eingang, (entrance), a little further there will be another similar staircase Ausgang, (exit). It is very important not to confuse them.

We climb the first staircase, a platform, go to exactly the same second staircase, and then the steepest climb in the tower with a spiral staircase, designed for only 1 person.

That's why I wrote that it is very important not to confuse the entrance with the exit, since 2 people on the very last spiral staircase can no longer disperse, if someone makes a mistake and goes towards them, he will have to go back.

The observation deck is not particularly large, but there is enough space for everyone, someone leaves, someone comes ...Wonderful views open from above on the city. The sun either hid behind the clouds, then reappeared its rays we saw Dresden somehow cheerful, lively, joyful, and subsequently these our first sensations were fully confirmed. The descent is exactly the same as the ascent, only without an elevator, all with legs.

It's already evening. We went to the church itself, the entrance is Eingang D. An unusual church, very bright, elegant, solemn, somehow warm ...on the sides with balconies, chairs, we also noticed this when we went upstairs. It also has a concert hall, but we did not see it, all the doors were closed.

You can’t take pictures there, but everyone does it quietly. Then a group of Chinese entered, and it began seemed to me that they had 2 cameras in each hand: click, click, click ...they go further, to the very front. One of the photographs shows that two men are standing in front, keeping order, I thought that they would be reprimanded, but on the contrary, they even stepped aside. Well, here we finally grew bolder and shot from the heart. After some time, the one in a light suit went up to the podium and in such a pleasant voice began his not short speech, the main meaning of which was as follows: dear guests, we will soon begin worship, and you will interfere, so please leave church ...And I would have sat there longer, looking at the central composition, which depicts Jesus on the Mount of Olives (prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane).

On the right, Jerusalem and the sleeping apostles are visible, soldiers are approaching from the city gates, and an angel hovers right above Jesus, holding a cross in his hand (a symbol of the coming death of Christ on the cross). God's eye reigns over the entire composition, also called the “eye of providence” (an eye in a triangle). But since the service will soon begin, we slowly head towards the exit, through the other door, where, as usual, there are candles, you can buy and put them on, which is what we do.

A beautiful place, impressed, before leaving we returned there again for a short time, we really liked it there.

Cathedral St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche

This church attracted me all the time, like a magnet. Conquered with its impressive size, height, location, in general, everything. Particular attention was drawn to 78 three-meter statues of saints, installed in the niches of the facade and on the balustrades along the perimeter of the roof. Couldn't get inside.

We first moved to the main entrance - it was closed, we walked around, we did not see any other entrance. The next day, they found a side door, but it was also closed to tourists. This Cathedral, judging by the photographs, is no less beautiful inside than outside. If we ever visit Dresden, the first thing I will do is go to this temple.

On the very first evening we walked around almost the entire old part of the city: Brü hlsche Terrasse, Semperoper, Zwinger, Residenzschloss, and of course Fü rstenzug, which is located in some nondescript lane, but what! In general, all these buildings in the evening illumination are very, very beautiful.

Residenzschloss, Hausmannsturm

A lot has already been written and told about the palace-residence itself, and the history is given, and Wikipedia has been rewritten ...

And we go there to museums: Historisches Grü nes Gewö lbe, Fü rstengalerie, Neues Grü nes Gewö lbe, Rü stkammer (Der neue Riesensaal + Tü rckische Cammer) and to the observation deck on the tower.

Very good informative site on all Dresden museums:

http://www. skd. museum/de/besucherservice/oeffnungszeiten/index.html

It should be noted that there is a day off on Monday and Tuesday, and that there is such a site in Russian.

In all these museums, I bought combined tickets on the Internet at the above site, 21.50 / person. Basically, of course, this was done due to visiting the historical green vaults. I didn’t want to guess on the spot whether there would be tickets or not, and for what time ...I had already bought in advance for a certain date, for the very first time of entry, 10:00 in the morning. We arrived there in 10 minutes, there was no longer a long queue at the entrance, and by the time it opened, it was already the length of the entire hall. Tickets are checked several times. We put our things in a storage room, it closes for 1-2 euros. For the experiment, my husband took a phone with him, and I took a camera, otherwise everyone writes that you can’t take anything. We took the audio guide for free.

Before entering the hall, the tickets were checked again, then there is a “gateway”: something like an elevator, the glass doors are closed in front, we went into these “gateways”, exactly the same glass doors closed behind us, we stood there for a few seconds, then the front doors open, and you are already in the first room for inspection. No one stopped us, and no comments were made. I saw a few more people with cameras, but naturally, no one took pictures of anything, you can take something, but why? . . To say that we liked it there is to say nothing ...I did not expect such a treasure trove in Dresden. Diamonds and diamonds are impressive, and not only them...

Then we looked at the gallery with portraits and went to the New Green Vaults.

Tickets are checked, but there is no “gateway” anymore. What can I say, amazing, amazing, amazing...

I'm not saying that the rider has jewels all around, but even the horse's muzzle. Well, in the end, we examine the objects of Turkish art. It’s also interesting, but already tired, and walking, and standing, and looking, and listening, and reading ...We didn’t master anything else and went to the courtyard to climb the Hausmannsturm tower.

Somewhere in the break between inspections, we already went out into this courtyard, to breathe fresh air, well, now purposefully to the tower. The same combined ticket is still valid. There is no elevator, but there are many steps and a fairly wide staircase.

We got up, caught our breath, but what views from above, it's worth it.

I wanted to fit everything into one review, but it turns out to be too long, I have to break it into 2 parts.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Frauenkirche. Вот там наверху смотровая площадка.
На смотровую площадку 44 метра поднимаемся сначала вот по этой пологой дорожке, потом по лестницам.
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...по бокам с балконами, креслами, это мы ещё заметили, когда поднимались наверх.
Взгляд под самый купол.
В центре композиция, которая изображает Иисуса на Елеонской горе (молитва в Гефсиманском саду).
Справа виден Иерусалим и спящие апостолы, из городских ворот приближаются солдаты, а прямо над Иисусом парит ангел, который держит в руке крест (символ грядущей смерти Христа на кресте).
Kathedrale St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche.
Kathedrale St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche.
Kathedrale St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche.
Рядом с храмом находится Residenzschloss, с которым он соединён переходом.
Особое внимание привлекли 78 трёхметровых статуй святых, установленные в нишах фасада и на балюстрадах по периметру крыши.
Особое внимание привлекли 78 трёхметровых статуй святых, установленные в нишах фасада и на балюстрадах по периметру крыши.
Особое внимание привлекли 78 трёхметровых статуй святых, установленные в нишах фасада и на балюстрадах по периметру крыши.
Kathedrale St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche.
Kathedrale St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche.
Kathedrale St. Trinitatis - Katholische Hofkirche.
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Набережная Эльбы.
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Residenzschloss. Что где располагается.
Здесь вход в Historisches Grünes Gewölbe.
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Действует всё тот же комбинированный билет. Лифта нет, зато вот столько ступеней и вот такая лестница.
Смотровая площадка над часами.
Вид частично на Semperoper и  Zwinger.
Вид на купол Frauenkirche, под которым мы уже были.
Вид на Дрезден со смотровой площадки в Hausmannsturm.
Вид на Дрезден со смотровой площадки в Hausmannsturm.
Вид на Дрезден со смотровой площадки в Hausmannsturm на Земперопер. (Semperoper)
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