The cozy charm of the Czech Republic

02 December 2009 Travel time: with 09 November 2009 on 14 November 2009
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I have wanted to visit this small, but such a fabulous and charming country for a long time, and, finally, my wish came true! I'm flying to PRAGUE!

The tour was booked at the Travel System company, as it turned out, the Czech company, they work off their money by 150%, especially on the transfer (of the excursions, they were only on one, a survey, the rest of the beauties looked on their own - it’s much more profitable and you have time to see more). The only negative for me in this travel company is that they have flights from Aeroflot . . I will explain why: our flight traveled from Moscow to Prague instead of 2.5 hours 13 !! ! With landings in Berlin and Warsaw . . As it turned out, they put a pilot without a license to land in fog (and fog is not uncommon in autumn! ) + this was his FIRST solo flight! In short, the leadership of Aeroflot framed both the poor guy, and us passengers, because. there were a lot of transit ones who missed their planes, and hysterics and nerves were spoiled immeasurably (no one explained WHY we only circle over Prague and dangle all over Europe, but don’t land in Prague ?? ) . . As a result, 1 day was simply gobbled up ( I can’t say otherwise) - instead of 10.55, the arrival was at 22.00, and in total we had 5 days, 4 left, it’s a shame : ( The only good thing was that those who met from the Travel system were waiting all this time and were taken to the hotel at night.

But, now, after all the tests, I'm in Prague ! ! I wrote a separate review about the hotel here, Globus, very decent in every sense, when I go there again, only to it! The next morning, having properly refreshed ourselves, we went to Karlstejn Castle, which is a 30-minute train ride from the Main Station. This is my favorite castle, it seems to me the most fabulous one))) I even thought to celebrate my wedding there at one time (although later they decided not to break off friends and arranged it in Moscow, but this is not relevant). Walk from the station not far, about 10 minutes to the village, then still climb to the castle. In early November, our September reigns in the Czech Republic: red-yellow-green forests around, about 10 degrees, then cloudy, then the sun, in general, along with charming little houses, it’s just lovely! We walked around the castle where it was possible - inside the tour 250 kr. per person (in Czech and English) = 10 euros, BUT you can’t take pictures and videos, so we didn’t go inside, as it turned out later, we didn’t lose much, because in the sense of the interior, the castle is poor, and the rooms are empty to look at . . well, not that : ) The castle worked until November 15, so we had time right at the last moment. There are few people there, so if you decide to buy souvenirs (the cat is much cheaper than in Prague and the choice is large), you will be kissed and the discounts will be very good : ))

The next day we had an excursion as a gift from the Travel System (incl. in the tour), so in the morning we went for a walk on our own in Prague: Old Town Square, Orloj, Town Hall (including climbed up) - everything, of course, is STUNNING , to put it mildly, especially the Church of Mary over Tyn !! ! A true masterpiece of Gothic! We also managed to go to the Czech garnet shop from Turnov (genuine Czech garnet, not Thai or Indian), bought a Vltavin pendant there (such a truly Czech stone) : ) and ran on an excursion! On it, again, they went through virtually everything that they themselves went around, just also told what was where : ) streamlined, so to speak : ) Charles Bridge is also something! Well, in the evening we went to Prague Castle and to Zlata street 9 after 18.00 the entrance to it is free): well, there are simply no words: such a bulk of St. Vitus Church that you just want to prostrate before this splendor! ))) Zlata street is short, but very darling))) and the next morning we came back to St. Vitus to get inside BEFORE the moment when the excursions catch up, that is. somewhere around 9-9.30 in the morning (excursions from 11 there), I walked for 1.5 hours with my mouth open - completely stunned and shocked that this happens at all ! ! no photos and videos will convey this truly divine . . I don’t know, vault, interior, majesty and a symbol of power! And again, there were almost no people, so it's just a fairy tale : ) On the excursion, by the way, they take only 15 minutes to "take a picture" inside the cathedral! Well, then the Royal Road, Nerudova Street with its pubs and just admiring Prague. By the way, there are very amazing viewing platforms, I was at 3 and everywhere a different view, from which it takes your breath away!

Well, on our last full day in the Czech Republic, we went to Kutna Hora - a medieval center for silver mining and minting of Czech pennies, which competed with Prague in its decoration and luxury (there is an analogue of the Charles Bridge and the church of St. Barbara is very reminiscent of St. Vitus in Prague) . A curious town, but now it is far from being as influential as in the 12th-13th centuries))) Nevertheless, it is definitely worth visiting!

Thank God we flew back less - only 2.50 : ))) And, of course, I had to look for my luggage again)))

In general, the impressions are positive, and the Czech Republic managed to smooth out the very unpleasant impressions from Aeroflot, but I won’t fly with them anymore))) I’ll try at least)))) I really liked the Czechs as people: friendly, very welcoming, though they are afraid of English, so better in Russian (there people from 35 years old and older all understand and speak Russian, and young people will start in Czech, you will understand anyway))) Right away: oh, Slav brothers! It was very nice)) Well, if you tell them: I'm wild, which means thank you, in general, they almost hug for joy and smile from ear to ear : ))) And the language is very similar to Russian, so there are no problems with this at all!

I really want to return to my beloved, romantic, cozy, gingerbread Czech Republic!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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