Moravian necklace. Krimrzh

20 July 2020 Travel time: with 16 July 2019 on 16 July 2019
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For me, the culmination of the Olomouc part of the trip - Krimrzyzh. I saw a photo of the garden on the Internet a long time ago and realized that I needed to go there. But it took a long time to go to Krimizz from Prague, so the idea fell through. And here is the day of dreams.

We went by train with a change in Hulin. Hour for transfer - 7 minutes. Arrived on time, went to the station. We had the first track with some letter. We got on the first track, the train is visible, but it, having practically reached the station, goes from the other side of the building. Silent scene. For me, the station is, on the one hand, an exit to the tracks, on the other - to the city. But the station in Hulin was non-standard - tracks on both sides.

Eight minutes and we are in Krimrzy, near the palace, and then the park. I don't really like museums, I need space and freedom. Surprisingly, they wanted more in Krimrzyzh than they could reach. We took a tour of the executive halls, the Flower Garden and the tower. For the tower paid extra, and the rest at the expense of Olomouc region Card.

I also wanted an art gallery, there is an interesting collection and originals of paintings from the palace, and Sala Terrana, but at the box office politely advised to wait and buy tickets later. They were right, we barely had time for our program. They didn't have time to go to the central square and have lunch.

Kromerizh fully lived up to expectations. The palace is very beautiful, the archbishops knew how to live smartly.

Beautiful views of the city from the palace tower:

From the palace to the Flower Garden walk twenty minutes, so there was a short tour of the city. There are pointers everywhere, it's hard to get lost.

Finally reached the Flower Garden:

Flower garden, despite the hot summer, beautiful. Palace and flower garden on the UNESCO list of attractions.

How many frogs on the island?

On the way to the station - a walk through the castle park.

The day flew by unnoticed. We returned to the hotel, it was time to pack up. Tomorrow we move to Brno.

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Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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