Prague Romance

21 November 2013 Travel time: with 16 September 2012 on 22 September 2012
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We went on a bus tour with the travel agency "Accord - Tour". It was not the first time we went on a trip with this tour operator, so we were not ready for surprises. It all started with the bus that was given to us, it was uncomfortable (the distance between the seats is very small, there was even nowhere to put our feet). We asked to replace the bus, to which we were told that this is a tour without night crossings and that's okay (and the fact that during the day the distance is 550 km. , that's okay). Then we refused to go at all and after a 2-hour scandal, the bus was still replaced for us. Oksana Tsyulyupa was our permanent guide. A very nice girl, she knows a lot, she is always positive, she helped, explained, answered all questions correctly. Thank you, Oksanochka! In the Czech Republic, we visited different regions. First, Olomouc is a small town with some kind of "masterful" architecture, but quite pleasant. Then there was Beauty Prague, but there was no luck with the guide (there was a granny who didn’t really want to talk, and even more so to walk), but the architecture helped out, which in Prague is simply magnificent and without a guide we contemplated the beauty: Old Town Square, Charles Bridge , Old Town and much more. From excursions I advise: Singing fountains (at 9 pm with ballet - amazing! ), Beer show in an old tavern, Troy Castle and shadow theater. We lived at the Emmy -3 * hotel (outside the city, which is not very convenient), but in general the hotel is not bad (breakfasts are standard). We went to Karlovy Vary, somehow we were not very impressed, but we liked the Schwanzenberg castle in Gluboka nad Vltava. We also visited fabulous Krumlov - yes, indeed, these dollhouses, an ancient castle along the river - create a certain mystery, and at the end of the walk through the night Krumlov, accompanied by a fairy, is something! We also went to Budievice (for shopping). As an elective visited Dresden and Krakow. We were there for 1 day, but we saw a lot of objects in Dresden. Be sure to visit the Dresden Art Gallery, the Porcelain Museum and the Museum of Weapons. Super! But in Krakow they were only on Wawel Square. Beautiful! , but not enough. We had all good hotels, even transit ones. Drivers are also experienced, masters of their craft. in general, the impression of traveling in the Czech Republic is good. I wish you all a good rest and an unforgettable trip!

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