Pleasantly impressed

Written: 17 july 2019
Travel time: 9 — 17 april 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 10.0
When at the beginning of spring they thought about vacation, they considered only Egypt. But turning to the tour operator tpg, we were offered a dozen more interesting places, most of all we liked Cyprus. The hotel in which we rested Astreas Beach Hotel Apts, we really liked, although this is only a triple. The sea was already very warm at that time and we swam calmly. The rooms here are generally super!! ! Big, spacious, clean. There is a bedroom, a full kitchen, a good bathroom. The restaurant food is amazing, you can’t even say that it’s only 3 stars. The food is delicious, varied, the choice is huge. I definitely recommend the hotel.
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