Annabelle Hotel 5*– Reviews

Rating 8.010
based on
9 reviews
№5 in the hotel rating Paphos
9.0 Rooms
8.0 Service
9.6 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
9.0 Amenities
The hotel is built in colonial style and is located in the natural area of ​​Paphos, protected by UNESCO as a world heritage site, in close proximity to the medieval castle of the city and the bay. The total area of ​​the hotel is 60,000 square meters. Built in 1985, last renovated in 2010.More →
аватар mastelvs
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 8.0
Annabelle 5*? - A relative of Almira. Cozy clean, good rooms, friendly staff. Large area, several pools. 1 line. The hotel occupies an area of ​ ​.2. 5 hectares of luxurious tropical gardens, terraced down to the sea. … More ▾ Annabelle 5*? - A relative of Almira. Cozy clean, good rooms, friendly staff. Large area, several pools. 1 line. The hotel occupies an area of ​ ​.2. 5 hectares of luxurious tropical gardens, terraced down to the sea.
аватар krestnikova.v
 •  traveled 8 years ago
Rating 10.0
In June last year, we rested at the Almyra Hotel, we really liked the location and the very concept of the hotel. This year we decided not to change the place of rest, to return to our beloved Paphos, especially since this year it is the cultural capital of Europe! Having previously read the program of events on the city's website, we were once again convinced that we definitely need to return there again! My mother and I love a rich cultural holiday. … More ▾ In June last year, we rested at the Almyra Hotel, we really liked the location and the very concept of the hotel. This year we decided not to change the place of rest, to return to our beloved Paphos, especially since this year it is the cultural capital of Europe!
Having previously read the program of events on the city's website, we were once again convinced that we definitely need to return there again! My mother and I love a rich cultural holiday.
But this time we chose the Annabelle hotel, it is located next to Almira. The rooms are slightly smaller, but they are more designer, very bright and cozy. In Almira, nevertheless, a more classic and minimalist style is sustained.
Even comparing these two hotels, Almira, as we noticed, is a "younger" hotel in terms of contingent. There are more families with children, probably due to a good playground and a kids club, and more Russians vacationed there. And in Annabelle there are already more Europeans of elegant age, there is no extra fuss.
A pleasant addition to our tour was that when booking BB, we received HB, this fact could not but rejoice, since the hotel's cuisine is very tasty. Drinks at dinner, as elsewhere, for an additional fee, we recorded everything on the room, on the day of check-out everything was paid at the reception.
The room was cleaned every day, and we have never been able to find the maid in person to thank for the perfect cleanliness of the room. There was also turndown service.
And, of course, I would like to note the service of the hotel, you always feel that you are welcome and that you are a welcome guest.
And for those who choose between these two hotels, do not rack your brains, in any case, you will be 100% satisfied with your rest there and there!
аватар Vita-sm03
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 9.0
Deluxe rooms all with sea view! Family rooms with garden view only. The territory is gorgeous, very green. Light animation. … More ▾ Deluxe rooms all with sea view! Family rooms with garden view only. The territory is gorgeous, very green. Light animation.
в холе отеля! територия отеля! територия отеля!
аватар tutitam
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 10.0
Fantastically beautiful green area, the hotel is designed in a classic calm style. You can use the territory of the Almyra hotel (one owner of these hotels), including SPA for free. Very good SPA. The high standard of the hotel. Suitable for both children and couples. The beach, like almost everywhere in Paphos, is rocky. … More ▾ Fantastically beautiful green area, the hotel is designed in a classic calm style. You can use the territory of the Almyra hotel (one owner of these hotels), including SPA for free. Very good SPA. The high standard of the hotel. Suitable for both children and couples. The beach, like almost everywhere in Paphos, is rocky.
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 9.0
Really great hotel. Super animation. Been to almost all the Greek islands before, but this is the best. The sea is only of course strong water almost all the time (we were in August 2011). But everything else is just great. Our video about the rest in the youtube. com channel for example: … More ▾ Really great hotel. Super animation. Been to almost all the Greek islands before, but this is the best. The sea is only of course strong water almost all the time (we were in August 2011). But everything else is just great. Our video about the rest in the youtube. com channel for example:
Review from —
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 5.0
We rested in June 2011. The hotel did not live up to our expectations. No service. There are no bathrobes in the rooms. Breakfasts are poor. There is practically no choice. Oatmeal porridge must be ordered at the reception for an additional fee, and champagne in the morning can only be dreamed of. The lobby bar has a limited selection. … More ▾ We rested in June 2011. The hotel did not live up to our expectations. No service. There are no bathrobes in the rooms. Breakfasts are poor. There is practically no choice. Oatmeal porridge must be ordered at the reception for an additional fee, and champagne in the morning can only be dreamed of. The lobby bar has a limited selection. There is no beach. Apparently 5 stars are assigned only for the location of the hotel - 5 minutes from the city center. The pool is large, very green area. Rested mainly by the British. Quiet, calm hotel.
Review from —
аватар Juliacher
 •  traveled 17 years ago
Rating 8.0
The hotel is chic! (I don’t recommend it for those who like cheap holidays) Well-trained staff, pure correct English, nice to chat (for those who have problems with the language, almost all the staff can speak fluently in Russian), the food is amazing - for this season the owner of the hotel ordered chef David from Glasgow , which prepared the cuisine of the peoples of the world every evening. … More ▾ The hotel is chic! (I don’t recommend it for those who like cheap holidays) Well-trained staff, pure correct English, nice to chat (for those who have problems with the language, almost all the staff can speak fluently in Russian), the food is amazing - for this season the owner of the hotel ordered chef David from Glasgow , which prepared the cuisine of the peoples of the world every evening. Therefore, it makes sense to take dinner, although there are a lot of taverns around - the hotel is located in the most party place. Room sevice - around the clock, the beach is sandy, but the stones come across, the beach is small. The coolest beach in Cyprus, a 10-minute drive from the hotel, is called Coral Bay. I recommend taking a car - you can travel around the whole country in three days.
 •  traveled 17 years ago
Rating 9.0
Awesome hotel, rested just fine, everything was super!! ! In general, I liked everything! … More ▾ Awesome hotel, rested just fine, everything was super!! ! In general, I liked everything!
Review from —
аватар ice1
 •  traveled 18 years ago
Rating 4.0
Decided to stay with my family in this hotel. The company Natalie Tours advertised this place to us as an elite vacation. Rest planned in advance, bought a room with two rooms, one for my wife, the other for my mother. When we arrived at this wonderful place, it turned out that there were no such rooms in this place. … More ▾ Decided to stay with my family in this hotel. The company Natalie Tours advertised this place to us as an elite vacation. Rest planned in advance, bought a room with two rooms, one for my wife, the other for my mother. When we arrived at this wonderful place, it turned out that there were no such rooms in this place. I had to be content with a room with three beds, one of which was a child with oilcloth : -)
The hotel positions itself as 5 stars. But according to our ten-day observation, this turned out not to be the case.
Unreasonably high prices in the restaurant of this hotel and bar. The service looks like a favor, none of us particularly limited ourselves, but sometimes we had to wait for the waiter for half an hour.
The hotel has two swimming pools with sun loungers. So at 8.30 all these sunbeds were already occupied and after that time we did not have the slightest chance to take it. By the way, the towels that were issued to the sunbeds were poorly washed, with stains, and sometimes just with holes.
Part of the territory smelled of sewerage!!!
Absolutely complete lack of support for Russian tourists - no information in Russian is provided, although vouchers are sold and we met our citizens there.
The coastline was simply no, we went out there on the first day - we were shocked - stupidly arranged sunbeds, again occupied with towels from early morning. By the way, in neighboring hotels the coastlines were more well-groomed - there were sheds, cafes, etc.
Meals - breakfast was ordered, a huge number of people, a buffet, for each dish to take, you had to stand in line, there were not enough tables for all hours at 9.00. In general, there was chaos with pre-paid meals.
As I wrote above, the staff did not please at all, in five stars they usually follow you and fulfill any wishes, because it is five stars, here you had to look for waiters on your own, stand in a bar in line for drinks, just catch waiters, etc. .
There are many more nuances, now you can’t remember everything...

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Отель построен в колониальном стиле и расположен в природной зоне Пафоса, охраняемой ЮНЕСКО как объект всемирного наследия, в непосредственной близости от средневекового замка города и бухты. Общая площадь территории отеля - 60 000 квадратных метров. Построен в 1985 году, последняя реновация была проведена в 2010 году.

Location 20 км от аэропорта Пафоса. 130 км от международного аэропорта Ларнаки.
Description of the beach Песчано-галечный пляж в 100 м от отеля, есть камни.
  • 1st line
  • city ​​beach
  • sand and pebble beach
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
  • beach towels
In a hotel

Asteras – ресторан отеля Annabelle с видами на живописные сады с бассейнами и с самой романтичной обстановкой: изысканные блюда подаются гостям в уютной и интимной атмосфере при свечах. Летом рекомендуем поужинать на открытой веранде и не пропустить гастрономическое шоу flambé night.

Эксклюзивный ресторан высокой кухни Amorosa – райское место для настоящих гурманов, в котором предлагаются блюда современной французской кухни в уютной атмосфере и под аккомпанемент живого пианино. В ресторане работает большая терраса для летних ужинов под открытым небом.

Ресторан Mediterraneo работает на обеды и ужины и предлагает традиционную кипрскую кухню под аккомпанемент живой музыки и народных танцев.

Ресторан Fontana на завтраки и обеды работает по системе «шведский стол», по вечерам здесь проходят зажигательные шоу, во время которых Вы можете поужинать по меню à la carte. В летние месяцы в спокойной атмосфере на открытой веранде можно отлично пообедать всей семьей.

Расположенный рядом с зоной рецепции бар Byzantine является отличным местом для пары коктейлей и отдыха под музыку специально приглашенного певца или ди-джея.

Lobby Bar - бар в колониальном стиле, работает с 9.00 утра до 1.00 ночи. Здесь можно легко перекусить в течение всего дня или выпить чашечку кофе.

Бар у бассейна находится на краю большого плавательного бассейна. Не вылезая из воды здесь можно легко перекусить или выпить освежающий коктейль в течение всего дня. Открыт при условии хорошей погоды.

Бар Grotto находится в окружении бассейнов, водопадов, пальм и цветов. Идеально подходит для спокойного отдыха.

Бар на пляже в летние месяцы работает в течении всего дня и предлагает напитки и закуски прямо у воды.

6 конференц-залов: Athenaeum Ballroom: площадь 346 кв.м, вмещает до 300 человек. Salle Armonia: площадь 194 кв.м, вмещает до 160 человек. Artemis Suite: площадь 53 кв.м, вмещает до 50 человек. Ariadne Suite: площадь 53 кв.м, вмещает до 50 человек. Aphrodite Suite: площадь 53 кв. м, вмещает до 50 человек. Amphitheatre: площадь 111 кв.м, вмещает до 150 человек.

Интернет-уголок. Магазины: часы работы с 09:00-17:00.

Терраса для загара, барбекю , доставка прессы, специальные диетические меню (по запросу), круглосуточная стойка регистрации, камера хранения багажа, обслуживание номеров, услуги по глажению одежды, факс/ксерокопирование, услуги консьержа, семейные номера, отопление, места для курения.

Курение во всех номерах запрещено. Размещение домашних животных не допускается.

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • elevator
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • non-smoking rooms
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids Детские ясли Baby Go Lightly Creche рассчитаны на детей от 6 месяцев до 4 лет и работают шесть дней в неделю. Детский клуб Smiling Dolphin Kid's Club работает для гостей в возрасте от 4 до 12 лет. Молодежный клуб Hercules Teen Club рассчитан на детей в возрасте от 12 до 17 лет. Pioneers Club - для детей 8 лет - 12 лет 11 месяцев. Открыт 6 дней в неделю с 09.30 до 17.30. Teenagers - открыт 6 дней в неделю с 09.30 до 17.30. Открытая и крытая игровые площадки.
  • playground
  • children's chairs in the restaurant
  • cot  FREE 
Entertainment and sports Теннисный корт с твердым покрытием, освещение и уроки тенниса - платно, оборудование - бесплатно. В радиусе 22 км от отеля Annabelle работает три гольф-поля. Библиотека, ныряние с маской и трубкой.
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • table tennis
  • squash  FREE 
  • volleyball  FREE 
  • gym  FREE 
  • water activities
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

Всего 218 номеров в основном трёхэтажном здании и двух одноэтажных дополнительных корпусах.

  • bath / shower
  • hair dryer
  • slippers and bathrobe
  • safe
  • air conditioner (not in all rooms)
  • plasma tv
  • phone $
  • internet wi-fi (not in all rooms)
  • kitchen / kitchenette (not in all rooms)
  • balcony/terrace
  • jacuzzi (not in all rooms)
  • (not in all rooms)
  • tea/coffee maker (not in all rooms)
  • swimming pool (not in all rooms)
The address 10, Poseidonos Avenue 8042 Pafos POSTAL P.O. Box 60136 8125 Pafos Cyprus
Phones: Tel: (+ 357) 26 885 000
Fax: (+ 357) 26 945 502
Website: Annabelle Hotel
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. Рядом с отелем находится городской песчано-галечный пляж. Пляжные полотенца в отеле (бесплатно).
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в настольный теннис. В отеле есть водные развлечения. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детской площадкой с горкой и качелями. Детские стульчики для кормления Ваших малышей всегда под рукой.