Ritan International 5*– Reviews

Rating 6.510
based on
2 reviews
9.5 Rooms
6.5 Service
8.0 Cleanliness
7.5 Food
9.0 Amenities
Ritan International Hotel 5 * (Rayten International Hotel 5 *) is located in the city of Beijing, in the Chaoyang district, in the International Trade building.More →
аватар vladimir95
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 3.0
Before choosing a hotel, I read all the reviews on other sites - which is rarely the case, almost all reviews are positive (with one small exception, reviews are usually 50 to 50, who praises who scolds, you don’t know who to believe until you check yourself)))) after reading all the good reviews, I understood me there !!! ! - everything actually was 1 in 1, as the grateful audience writes for a small one ((((((with the exception that smeared all the good impression and spoiled all the mood. … More ▾ Before choosing a hotel, I read all the reviews on other sites - which is rarely the case, almost all reviews are positive (with one small exception, reviews are usually 50 to 50, who praises who scolds, you don’t know who to believe until you check yourself)))) after reading all the good reviews, I understood me there !!! ! - everything actually was 1 in 1, as the grateful audience writes for a small one ((((((with the exception that smeared all the good impression and spoiled all the mood. On the day of departure (we were supposed to be picked up from the hotel at 23 . 00) decided to extend the number - we are told at the reception that until 18.00 it will cost 550 yuan (for those who are not aware of the exchange rate 1 $ - 6.3 yuan) I think, okay, I’ll finish everything, I’ll come to the room, I’ll take a shower before the road I’ll rent things in the storage room and somewhere in the restaurant I will sit until 23.00. It turned out that I came to the reception with my wife at 18.15 to rent a room - in front of us a man from Azerbaijan rented a room who spoke Russian rather poorly (at the reception they didn’t speak English at all and very poorly in Russian) - accordingly, until they understood each other - for what and what drinks from the minibar deduct money from the deposit and the rest of the nuances took about 20-25 minutes. Accordingly, when it was my turn to hand over the room, they categorically explain to me that I need to pay another 550 yuan, because I delayed the number for as much as 40 minutes !!!!! - HOWEVER !!! ! - as kitty Vorobyaninov used to say)))) and do not want to hear my objections that I stand in front of them for about half an hour. 550 RMB AND EVERYTHING!!! ! I say okay, but I can return to the room and be there until 23.00 - I answer - "Yes you can" (174 dollars for 10 hours of extending the number, to put it mildly, too much!! ! ((( (((-but I'm still POSITIVE!! ! I return to the room and see that there is a jacket on the chair, forgotten in a hurry and not put in a suitcase (although when I rented the room, the bellhop maid came into the room to check the availability and completeness of the room and did not physically see the jacket not possible, but he did not report this to the reception ((((( And here, like V. S. . Vysotsky in one of the songs - " . . you can’t describe it in words at all. . . "!! ! IN THE ROOM - "HOW MAN ARE YOU IN THE ROOM! ? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE!? " - the wife replies - "Two of us are trying to fall asleep, but what's the matter? " - she is asked questions about some kind of crap and nonsense for another five minutes. Trying to fall asleep again!! ! IN AN HOUR THE DOOR RING RING!! ! WIFE TURNING INTO A BED OPENS THE DOOR - ON THE THRESHOLD A MAID AND A CORRIDOR GUY IN A HOTEL UNIFORM - PUSH OFF THE WIFE, ENTER THE ROOM AND START WALKING INTO THE ROOM AND START WALKING ABOUT THE NUMBERS ROOM AND CARRY WHAT SHIT ABOUT WHAT IS NECESSARY!! ! ON THE POSITIVE LYING UNDER A BLANKET IN ONE PANTS- IN A POLITE AND CORRECT FORM I EXPLAIN TO THE CHINESE COMRADES THAT CLEANING IS NOT NEEDED - WE WOULD BE SLEEPING BEFORE THE ROAD WOULD NOT BE BAD!!! ! PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE!! ! AND SE-SE FOR UNDERSTANDING!! ! the group of Chinese comrades leaves. we're trying to sleep again. After forty minutes, again, a call to the door-wife. Again from the scout heats the door to learn what else happened again !! ! The room breaks the above described in the uniform from under the fur coch of the wife lying on the chair snags my forgotten jacket and shouting on Chinese trying to escape from the room !! ! HERE MY POSITIVE ENDS COMPLETELY I JUMP OUT OF THE BLANKETS IN TROUSERS I GRAB HIM BY THE SCREW I TAKEN THE JACKET AND KICKING AND RUSSIAN MATHEKING HIM OUT OF THE ROOM!!! ! NOT ON THE POSITIVE I COLLECT THINGS AND GET DOWN TO THE RECEPTION WITH AN ATTEMPT TO CLEAR WHAT THIS REST I HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FOR MY IN GENERAL LOTS OF MONEY FOR SUCH A SMALL REST IN TIME!! ! the whole situation - he returns me a deposit about the return of any money paid separately for the room and the resulting nervousness is out of the question. I'm trying to find out what kind of show it was and how to understand everything that happened - he says sorry - THAT'S ACTUALLY AND ALL!! ! CHINESE!! ! COMMUNICATION REMOVE TO TRAVEL IN THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY!! !
аватар sandra-art
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 10.0
I'll start with the fact that we went to China for 3 months. We chose apartments on the Internet, printed out the address and that's it. arrived at about 6 am, the visa was open for 3 months in Kyiv. There were no questions, the luggage was taken away. I'm surprised no one checks it. when I read the rules, I thought they would cheat to the fullest, but no. … More ▾ I'll start with the fact that we went to China for 3 months. We chose apartments on the Internet, printed out the address and that's it.
arrived at about 6 am, the visa was open for 3 months in Kyiv. There were no questions, the luggage was taken away. I'm surprised no one checks it. when I read the rules, I thought they would cheat to the fullest, but no. got into a taxi, showed the address and we were taken. the road took a little time and the price is 80 yuan. were supposed to live on the Shaungjing Chao. near Shuangjing metro and Diwa shopping center. but when we went into the apartments, to be honest, I remembered for a long time where I put the first aid kit because I urgently needed valerian.
a layer of dust, the bathroom is a broken shower hanging on the toilet. air conditioners do not work, there are no curtains, instead of them there are blankets on the windows, the doors are broken, everything is moldy, but I won’t say anything about the kitchen.
By the way, who has not been to China - everything is difficult with English. and since it was not possible to buy a SIM card at 6 in the morning at the airport, we sat in these wonderful apartments until 8 in the morning, after which we bought a SIM card in a stall and dialed friends.
We were recommended this hotel for a couple of days. I can immediately say that, in principle, we could stay with friends while we were looking for an apartment, but in China there is a wonderful rule - registration at the police station that you live in an apartment of a Chinese citizen. do not make marks in the passport, but give out a sheet. so the only way out is the hotel.
the hotel was advised in the Russian region, which we actually do not regret.
accommodation is excellent. lived in it for 6 days and during this time they were mainly engaged, in addition to work, in finding an apartment. so they leave in the morning and come in the evening.
European breakfast. And believe me, this is very important. because you can hardly eat for breakfast what the Chinese eat. checked.
Near the hotel there are a lot of shopping centers, restaurants and bars. night clubs. metro is also nearby. from the restaurants I liked the Turkish one in the Las Vegas nightclub (you can go directly from the hotel to the minus first floor), the Caucasus restaurant - from the hotel to the right and into the alley. also the Mango restaurant and the cuisine of the Chocolate Club.
next to the Chocolate club there is a Senya pharmacy - I advise for an excursion. Souvenirs, tea, masks and other crap bought, of course, before leaving, but nearby in the Tanya shopping center. although we still lived after the hotel on Shuangjing Chao Dala Fu, everything was exactly Yabaolu was a native place where every lane was known.
about the airport - if your flight is at night or early in the morning - please note that everything is closed at the airport. and duty free too. wi-fi, as it were, but you need to register, send SMS with codes, etc.
the main advice - if you are in Beijing for only a week and have plans for both excursions and shopping - make a plan at home, look at the information, since only a month later we began to navigate where, what to buy, what to watch and how convenient where to go. thanks to the Russian region - almost everyone speaks Russian and there are a lot of Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis, etc. who have been living and working there for years and share such information. we got more useful information from them than from guides, which helped save a lot of time and money

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Ritan International Hotel 5* (Райтэн Интернэшинал Отель 5*) расположен в городе Beijing, в районе Chaoyang, в здании International Trade.

Location Ritan International Hotel расположен в городе Beijing, в районе Chaoyang, в здании International Trade.
In a hotel

бизнес-центр, интернет, комната для переговоров 4, конференц-зал, почта, факс, газетный киоск, парковка, услуги такси ($), консьерж, лифт, лобби, обмен валют, охрана, прачечная ($), сейф, услуги носильщика, фотосервис, химчистка ($), бассейн крытый, лежаки у бассейна, массаж, сауна, фитнес центр, караоке, клуб, комната для некурящих, экскурсионное бюро

Description of rooms

Количество номеров в отеле 302

In the rooms

ванная/душ, туалет, туалетные принадлежности, умывальник, фен, кухонная посуда, набор для пригот.чая/кофе, письменный стол, приветств.корзина с фруктами, тапочки, халаты, ТВ - спутниковое, ТВ - телевизор LCD TV, будильник, весы, интернет, кондиционер, мини-бар ($), сейф, телефон IDD/DDD, чайник

The address 17, Ri Tan North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Postal Code: 100020
Phones: 86-10-85693388