Expected more..

Written: 30 june 2012
Travel time: 25 — 31 may 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 6.0
Rested with children in the last week of May. We were unlucky with the weather, it was raining. It's good that there is an indoor pool where the children splashed. The sun was only 2 days. In general, it was boring. Animation is designed mainly for children. They had fun. Adults could participate in some games (darts, for example). But imagine, if there were 20 people who wanted to, how long it would take to sit and wait to throw 3 arrows. Darts services, as well as other games, to play with your family, there is no such possibility. To buy a token to play billiards, they ran around the whole hotel in search of coins - they found it in a piggy bank from the bartender, from which he had to shake out the coins. Children danced at the evening disco in the fitness bar. Adults could also push between the tables.
The hotel is 80% German, many retirees who fill the time between meals in bars playing cards and other games. Here I want to note that in front of the Germans the staff "creep". In the bar, in order to please the Germans, some bartenders served out of turn, I had to remind more than once of my presence with the children.
In the children's pool, she began to play with children with an inflatable ball - the lifeguard immediately took it away. But the German guys (people 9), who occupied the whole pool, screaming and singing, were settled down by a brave boy who indicated to divide the pool in half and a German woman who called them to order. The same rescuer greeted their behavior by singing along with them.

Because of these same young Germans, our holiday was spoiled for the rest of our days. They were settled in rooms opposite us....The drunken yell started from the elevator and continued along the entire corridor to the rooms. Further, until three in the morning, there were knocks, slamming doors, laughter, etc. It was impossible to sleep, the children woke up constantly. Our polite and impolite calls to shut up were ignored. The administration and security guards also failed to call them to order. Or maybe there was no special desire. The night before we left, they made a screeching noise in the middle of the night by the outdoor pool, pushing each other into it. It lasts at least an hour. Nobody interfered with them. I think they liked this hotel, they will come again, we don't. But the loss is small - basically the hotel is designed for the Germans.
In general, the administration and waiters in the restaurant try their best, there are no complaints. A couple of the bartenders were also attentive. The animators did a good job. Yes, valuable info - fish in the restaurant's diet once a day (mostly fried pieces of mackerel). Who does not eat meat or a lover of fish - the kitchen is a bit poor for you, it does not pull on 4 *. There was also no abundance of fruit - apples and oranges. Bananas were given twice. There is no porridge in the breakfast diet, which was problematic with a one-year-old child.
The green massif in the photo is an impenetrable forest in which paths are laid to the hotels. Walk except to the beach and along the shore, where there are shops and attractions, nowhere.
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