Arkutino Family Resort Hotel 4*– Reviews

Rating 6.410
based on
5 reviews
№67 in the hotel rating Sunny Beach
9.0 Rooms
9.0 Service
8.0 Cleanliness
10.0 Food
4.0 Amenities
The family-run Arkutino Hotel is located on the southern coast of Bulgaria. The private beach is 300 meters from the hotel. The hotel was opened in 2009, the last renovation was carried out in 2011. The Arkutino Family Resort takes an active part in environmental protection measures.More →
аватар _645892
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 8.0
The hotel was chosen for a relaxing holiday, and a close distance to the sea (although the first line, but it turned out to be about 150... apples, peaches, nectarines, grapes, watermelon, melon, plums, apricots), ice cream and much more, the transfer was generally pleased, we drove together from the airport in a minibus and to the airport. … More ▾ The hotel was chosen for a relaxing holiday, and a close distance to the sea (although the first line, but it turned out to be about 150... apples, peaches, nectarines, grapes, watermelon, melon, plums, apricots), ice cream and much more, the transfer was generally pleased, we drove together from the airport in a minibus and to the airport.
The room met us with wine and a vase of fruit, water was given every day and cleaned too, the room was clean and comfortable.
At the reception, the staff is mostly Russian-speaking, there is only one shop and that one on the territory, in the district, 10 km away, there is only a forest, because. The hotel is located in a nature reserve.
A beach with free sun loungers and deck chairs, the sea was not very calm, so lifeguards did not allow swimming far from the coast, but it was possible to walk to the breakwater there more calmly, though there are no sun loungers.
There are animators for children, themed evenings for adults.
In general, a hotel for a calm, quiet pastime.
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 7.0
We rested in this hotel from 9 to 23 September 2012. We were not very lucky with the weather. Of the 15 days of rest, 6-7 were cloudy and rainy days. The sea was very stormy, the rescuers hung out a red flag on the beach and drove everyone out of the sea. In general, we managed to swim normally for 4-5 days! The weather let us down and spoiled our holiday a bit. … More ▾ We rested in this hotel from 9 to 23 September 2012. We were not very lucky with the weather. Of the 15 days of rest, 6-7 were cloudy and rainy days. The sea was very stormy, the rescuers hung out a red flag on the beach and drove everyone out of the sea. In general, we managed to swim normally for 4-5 days! The weather let us down and spoiled our holiday a bit. About the hotel. We specifically chose a quiet place to relax and the location of the hotel corresponds to this. The hotel is located on the territory of the national reserve and therefore is far from other settlements. The nearest hotel "Saint Thomas" is a kilometer walk along the road along the sea. Our hotel, Arkutino Resort, is located on a mountain, by the sea, a small town of three-story houses, in the style of a "chalet". The hotel is fairly new, I think this is its third season. The territory is not very large, but everything is cozy and beautiful, there are swimming pools for adults and children, three bars, two restaurants (one is paid). There is even a small chapel and a sports ground on the territory of the hotel. . The food in the restaurant was not as varied as in Turkey, but always of high quality and tasty, there were fresh vegetables, always meat, chicken in various versions, stewed vegetables, fish. From drinks, good red and white wine, beer, strong drinks were not taken. From fruits, peaches, nectarines, watermelons, oranges, sweets. In between lunch and dinner, they made pizza, sausages, and grilled liver. Everyone was full and happy. There were already few vacationers in September: young families with small children, mothers with children, elderly people. Mostly they were Bulgarians, Germans, Romanians and 20 percent Russians. Animation at this time was no longer carried out, so everyone had fun themselves as best they could. And our hotel guide from Alfa-Service did not appear at all!! ! The hotel staff is freshly frozen, they would have an internship in Turkey or Egypt, at least for a month! In general, Bulgarians are very friendly people. We went on vacation with a group of 4 people: me, my wife and our friends. In bad weather, we rented a car (Opel Zafira 50 euros per day) for two days and drove to nearby cities. Sozopol is 10-12 kilometers away, worth seeing. A beautiful promenade with old cobbled narrow streets and Nessebar 70-75 kilometers from us. Also an interesting city. 9 hiking routes have been developed in the reserve, of which we went 7, one route on a boat along the Ropotamo River (costs 8 leva), we saw many interesting birds and even a wild boar went to the river for a drink. Two hundred meters from the hotel, if you cross the road, there is an observation deck on the lake. There grow white water lilies, fearless swans, water turtles, herons. The road from the hotel to the sea ran along a wooden deck through the sand dunes for about 350 meters. The places are unusually beautiful. White sand lilies grow on the dunes, small lizards run! The beach is sandy, a large coastal strip. The sea is very beautiful, lively, a lot of fish, mussels, rapans, crabs. We went swimming to the rocks from our beach to the right of 700 meters, swam with masks. And in general, when the weather allowed, we swam a lot. The sea is clean, we swam very far and the bottom was visible, fantastic, we met huge jellyfish. Summary. Recreation for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle and want to recuperate, breathe in the sea air, enjoy the nature of the reserve, while you will need to rely on your own strength in terms of entertainment.
Review from —
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 5.0
I’ll warn you right away: before that I had been to Bulgaria 2 times. . . and also in 4 *. . . therefore, Arkutino's score in points was formed precisely through the prism of comparison. . . Territory. The hotel is located on the side of a mountain. . . the territory is, shall we say, compact. . . therefore, the infrastructure is literally "squeezed" into the allotted place. … More ▾ I’ll warn you right away: before that I had been to Bulgaria 2 times. . . and also in 4 *. . . therefore, Arkutino's score in points was formed precisely through the prism of comparison. . . Territory. The hotel is located on the side of a mountain. . . the territory is, shall we say, compact. . . therefore, the infrastructure is literally "squeezed" into the allotted place. . . Nominally, there are 21 houses on 3 floors (each has about 6 rooms) - they stand one to the other, as if in three rows. . . lived in the highest house on the slope (No. 9). . . As a result, going up "home" was like walking to the Nth floor. . . several times the youngest (5 years old) had to simply be carried in his arms - the boy was tired of walking. . . At the bottom: reception + all-inclusive restaurant + a la carte restaurant. . . about in the middle: a swimming pool, a pool bar, a kids club, a shop and a couple more. . . Upstairs is another restaurant. This restaurant was our neighbor - therefore a few words about it separately. On the avenue for guests, the restaurant is open until 24 hours. . . at the entrance to the hotel is its advertising - working hours from 18 to 2. . . in general, it was such that the music played after 24. . . To put it mildly: it's not comfortable. . . And one more thing: as a general rule, cars remain in the parking lot at the entrance to the territory. But there were exceptions. . . the alarm of one such "exception" woke me up at night. . . looked - 3 o'clock in the morning. . . It's not really a vacation either. . . Number. There was a family one with a sea view (although if I had known about the neighborhood with a restaurant, I would have definitely refused a sea view). Quite adequate room with 2 separate rooms. True, the hallway is practically non-existent. . . I saw that the neighbors left street shoes in front of the door to the room. . . Each room has a separate split and TV. However, there were no Russian-language channels - the child watched cartoons in Bulgarian, the older ones watched the Olympics (translation is generally not needed) or news in Bulgarian / German. . . Swimming pool. He is not big. Consists of 3 parts (different depths), but still for the situation with a wave on the sea and with so many people - it is small. . . It was stormy on the sea - red flags hung for 10 days (you can’t swim). . . the rest of the time - yellow. . . the pool area is full of people/towels. . . there's nowhere to even put things. . . in general, whoever got up first - that and sneakers. . . Nutrition. Adults will find their own food. There is even a barbecue - pizza, vegetables / meat grill. But for a younger child - it was difficult for us to find food. Although I repeat, many children rested in the hotel, but a separate children's or dietary table is not provided in principle, and a common table, IMHO, is still not quite adequate for such an audience. At first, I warned - we were in Bulgarian in 4 stars, and therefore counted on the possibility of selective children's food. . . that is, they meant some simple table, and not seasoned or fried dishes - the same unleavened rice (without corn / peas / mushrooms / spices) / potatoes (again without spices) and boiled vegetables / meat (without sauces). . . And here sometimes they came to a standstill - food is acceptable for an adult, but I won’t give it to a child. . . in case of frank hopelessness, the little one ate cheese with bread dried on a toaster - fortunately, he liked it. . . there were attempts of boiled vegetables as a side dish (cauliflower) - in my opinion, they were simply unsuccessful. . . something semi-cooked/half-raw. . . They offered soups and tarator (like okroshka). . . but in a subjective view, they are also not always suitable for the child. . . Insurance + health. In our case, the situation was complicated by an intestinal infection that appeared on the 3rd day. . . the child vomited. . . At first they thought "acclimatization". . . but in the end he vomited even after boiled water. . . There is a doctor's phone number near the first-aid post / room on the territory (I have never seen it open) or you can call for insurance. . . chose the second - calls to the medical center and assistance. The doctor arrived within an hour (maybe faster): he looked, asked, felt.... verdict: summer - enterovirus infection. We agreed to an injection and some other "joys". He wrote out a prescription for sodium citrate (but the pharmacy is in Sozopol). It was good to have rehydron with me - they soldered them for 2 days. Where they picked up a sore - hell knows, but then it was not easy with selective nutrition. . . Beach. It takes 7-10 minutes to stomp to it. . . 300 meters plus or minus. . . after the territory - on a wooden flooring among the dunes. . . The beach is open - on weekends and just working days, Bulgarians also come. For Arkutino guests there is a section with their own umbrellas/sunbeds. A small empty area adjoins on the left, then again umbrellas, then again empty and a boat station. To the right - a few umbrellas and then a long strip of sand. . . closer to its end - a wild beach, where there were several "wild" vacationers. . . On the protected part of the beach, lifeguards, as expected, whistle from 8 to 18 and stop attempts to get into the water deeper / further than they consider it safe. . . A couple of times we saw them "swimming" for vacationers. . . at the exit from the beach - shower. . . but with changing cabins - somehow it did not work out. . . saw something that looked like a metal frame of a cabin - the structure stood near the path. . . but not sheathed - some ownerless. . . In the evening, the beach was sifted on a special machine - at the very least it was clean (wandered outside the "organized" territory of the beach - the state is more deplorable there). . . Vacationers. Many Bulgarians + Russians with children. Also Ukrainians. I also noticed cars with Romanian and Moldovan numbers, and, in my opinion, motorcycles with German ones. Heard German speech and somehow even French. . . People are different. . . The hotel has made a request not to come to the restaurant in a bathing suit. But still met here individuals in swimming trunks + t-shirts. We didn't see those who "went through" alcohol. Still, most visitors are parents/grandparents with children. Staff. Russian is understood at the reception + bartenders + in the restaurant + in the kids club. They also offered to communicate in English. They smiled at the counter offer to speak in German. . . True, when the need arose, in the kitchen with one cook they explained themselves in German - he lived for a long time in Germany. We understood each other well. Internet. There was wifi. Free. . . But to know about it, you have to want to buy it. . . It's just that at the information stand infa with a price for a login / password, something about 10 euros (20 lev, in my opinion) for 7 days. . . went to buy - it turned out that the information is outdated, and wifi is now free. But you won't know until you get it. . . Other. You need to take mosquito repellant with you. . . with the onset of dusk, they actively attack. . . moreover, as partisans - silently. . . you just feel how the body begins to itch from the bites. . .
Review from —
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 5.0
LocationDue to the location, I chose this hotel (not in the city, but on the outskirts of nature). In the forest - blackberries (just be careful, you can step on a snake), in the dunes - lilies and tiny lizards, in the swamp (admission is paid) - turtles. However, there was one minus in the location - the hotel stands right on the highway, some rooms have windows almost on the highway and overlook, others have windows to the pool and the bar, where there is music all day, so a lover of silence should pay extra for a room with a sea view (that is, on the bushes). … More ▾ LocationDue to the location, I chose this hotel (not in the city, but on the outskirts of nature). In the forest - blackberries (just be careful, you can step on a snake), in the dunes - lilies and tiny lizards, in the swamp (admission is paid) - turtles. However, there was one minus in the location - the hotel stands right on the highway, some rooms have windows almost on the highway and overlook, others have windows to the pool and the bar, where there is music all day, so a lover of silence should pay extra for a room with a sea view (that is, on the bushes). (And at the same time, it’s not easy to leave for the city from there. If there are people, there is a hotel minibus that brings guests to Sozopol for 2.5 hours. Getting there on your own is much more difficult: the schedule of regular buses and minibuses running along the route Primorsko - Sozopol the hotel does not know, and these minibuses may not stop near the voting citizens. Another way is to pay for a car or a taxi. )RoomOrdinary double room, the buildings were built not so long ago, everything there is new and standard for a European hotel. However, for the level of 4 stars, the area of ​ ​ u200bu200bsuch a room is too small, even a baby cot, if necessary, can hardly be squeezed between the balcony and the double bed. TV channels are only Bulgarian and German, in Bulgarian there was beautiful folk music. Service and food Regular buffet (the choice is not as gigantic as in Turkey, but this is because the hotel itself is not so big). Everything I tried was delicious and fresh (only once there was a tomato with something black inside), the cuisine is European and local. Free drinks (wine, for example) are of poor quality, but good alcohol is supposed to fork out everywhere. From the staff, some Russian speakers come across. Entertainment The audience there are the Germans and the Bulgarians themselves with their children. There is an entertainment program for children in the respective languages. There was a folklore evening with a small song and dance group and walking on coals. Beach The beach is municipal, but the hotel has its own section of the beach with free sunbeds, you can go further away to the unguarded beach. The bay is shallow, sandy, just right for children (although healthy jellyfish sail in August and by September the sea is already starting to cool down). On the beach there is a rental of canoes, surfboards, etc.
Review from —
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 7.0
I will make a reservation right away - we are in Bulgaria for the first time. And that is why the resort was chosen for a long time and scrupulously. Among the preferences were: silence, forest, clean beach, all-inclusive. We got everything at once in the offer of Arkutino Family Resort, where the hotel is located in the middle of the nature reserve. … More ▾ I will make a reservation right away - we are in Bulgaria for the first time. And that is why the resort was chosen for a long time and scrupulously. Among the preferences were: silence, forest, clean beach, all-inclusive. We got everything at once in the offer of Arkutino Family Resort, where the hotel is located in the middle of the nature reserve. I'll start with the disadvantages. Or rather, from a disadvantage, since he is the only one. These are mosquitoes (although they are many times smaller than in Ukrainian resorts and they are not so arrogant. Biting, they do not buzz in the ear). And there is nothing surprising in this. Not far from the hotel is the Rapotamo nature reserve, the basis of which is a swamp. It is to look at it and its inhabitants that tourists are brought from all over Bulgaria. and here - only 2 leva and you are in the thick of things. In the hotel rooms, mosquitoes are provided only on the windows and vents. There are no balcony doors. Therefore, if you stock up on a raid or something like that, you are always guaranteed fresh air in the room and the chirping of birds, pleasing to the ear. ABOUT NUMBER My husband and I rested in a double, without bells and whistles. This is a small room, with a corridor, a room of 10 meters and a bathroom. Hot water is always available, as each room has a boiler. There is no power outage. The hotel is the newest, so the furniture and all communications are practically untouched by anyone. In the hallway - a spacious closet with different compartments. and even a refrigerator. The room has a double bed, TV, air conditioning, telephone, night table, mirror, hair dryer (the hair dryer is weak. It is only suitable for light drying of hair. If you are used to styling, take your own). On the balcony - clothes dryer and plastic furniture. They take out the garbage from the room and carry out wet cleaning daily. The bed is changed every two days. Soap, shampoo and shower gel are included. I eat with my husband from Moldova, so for us there were no special differences in the dishes. Everything is familiar and, in principle, nothing unusual. Like everywhere else there is a buffet. Breakfast is always the same food. Traditional for breakfast. Boiled eggs, skrob, scrambled eggs, fried bacon, sausages, sausage, cheese, vegetables, Shopska salad, pancakes. On a separate table - kefir, yogurt, cereal, muesli. Milk, tea, coffee. But lunches and dinners are varied. Twice a week themed dinner. We had sea food and traditional Bulgarian food. According to the theme - serving. I liked the food, the dishes were always clean, the service was friendly. Drinks are light, beer, wine and spirits flow like water. mixes are made at the veranda, in the lobby bar and by the pool - alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks are served: fanta, cola, sprite. There are no juices. The snack bar always has fresh fast food: pizza, french fries, and some kind of meat. All food and drink all-inclusive is available from 10.30 - to 22.30. Further, for the money you can drink and eat at the a la carte restaurant, which is open until midnight. Also, drinks of any strength are served in the piano bar, which welcomes guests from 22.30 to 4 in the morning. I want to note that the prices are very reasonable, surprisingly low for us. We left 60 leva (500 lei) at the bar, along with a tip, and at the same time I got drunk - tequila (6 leva at a time), my husband - whiskey (5 leva serving). In our Moldovan bars, a spree with the use of such drinks is many times more expensive. ENTERTAINMENT Animation, darts, fitness, tennis - free of charge. Once a week - evening of Bulgarian folklore with folk dance on coals. For adults who love to relax with taste, welcome to the paid piano bar. I specifically decided to single out this underground, as I remained in the highest delight from what I saw and heard. The interior is striking, for a rather prim hotel setting with wooden furniture, this bar showed the top of hi-tech, in a combination of black and white tones. The drinks are real, the head didn’t hurt in the morning, but the hangover was felt. The pianist is a real maestro. A white piano, a burning young brunette in a black shirt with small white stripes, pleasant vocals. He can do everything. Blues, jazz, rock and roll, chanson, pop and even rock. You set the tone for the evening. BEACH is called wild here. When communicating with the attendants (they know three languages: Bulgarian, German, English). There is also one Russian bartender who has been living in Bulgaria for 5 years. So. He explained that the beach is called wild because it is not cleaned. But to be honest, it is very clean, there are no corn cores buried in the sand, and feces do not float in the sea, which is often found in Ukrainian resorts. Few algae. And they appear only before the storm. The beach itself is located in the bay. Therefore, to the real depth, it will take a long time to go by sea. PS Holidays in this hotel are suitable for romantic lovers and couples, including those with very young children. In our check-in there was a German couple with a baby of 3 months. By the way, the guests of the hotel - for the most part - Bulgarians and Germans. There were two Romanian families, one Russian and we are the first Moldovans in this resort)))
Review from —

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Семейный отель Arkutino расположен на южном побережье Болгарии. Собственный пляж находится в 300 метрах от отеля. Отель был открыт в 2009 г., последняя реновация проводилась в 2011 г. Семейный курортный комплекс Arkutino принимает активное участие в мероприятиях по охране окружающей среды.

Location 5 км от курорта Дюни. 10 км от Созополя и Приморско. 50 км от аэропорта г. Бургас.
Description of the beach Пляж в 300 м.
  • 1st line
  • city ​​beach
  • sand beach
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
In a hotel

2 ресторана, барбекю-бар, лобби-бар, бар у бассейна и ресторан с панорамным видом на море. Круглосуточная стойка регистрации.

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • business center
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • facilities for people with disabilities
  • non-smoking rooms
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids Анимационная программа для детей, отделение для детей в бассейне для взрослых. Максимальное количество детских кроваток в номере - 1.
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
  • kids club
  • cot
Entertainment and sports В распоряжении гостей в семейном отеле Arkutino бесплатные спортивный и фитнес-центр, а также прокат велосипедов на территории. За дополнительную плату гости могут посетить оздоровительный центр с сауной и паровой баней. Массажные процедуры, также можно заказать за дополнительную плату.
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • billiards
  • table tennis
  • bicycles for rent
  • gym
  • yoga classes
  • water activities
  • animation
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

Состоит из 4-этажного главного корпуса и комплекса 3- 4-этажных дополнительных корпусов. Всего в отеле 160 номеров.

In the rooms

В номерах представлено: душ, фен, центральный кондиционер, телевизор, телефон, Wi-fi, холодильник.

  • bath / shower
  • hair dryer
  • cable/satellite TV
  • plasma tv
  • phone
  • internet wi-fi  FREE 
  • wake-up service
  • balcony/terrace
The address Arkutino, 8001 Sozopol, Bulgaria
Phones: 0550/22077,
0882 449990,
0882 477744,
Факс: 0550/22071
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. Рядом с отелем находится городской песчаный пляж.
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в бильярд, настольный теннис. Для активных туристов есть прокат велосипедов (платно). Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал, йогой. В отеле есть водные развлечения. О том чтобы Вы ни минуты не скучали позаботится анимация. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями. Чтобы взрослые могли отдохнуть, детей каждый день развлекает детский клуб. По Вашей просьбе отель предоставляет детскую кроватку (бесплатно).