Romance - a hotel on the territory of a gas station!

Written: 13 january 2008
Travel time: 14 — 21 august 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 3.0
I read the previous review and realized that there is no truth in these reviews. All of them are ordered. Written by employees of travel agencies and other interested parties.
So we got caught by such "rave" ratings, but in fact, however, only that the hotel is new. And nowhere, even in the agency that sent us, not a word about the fact that the hotel is located on the territory of a gas station...
And so in order. The hotel is located practically on the territory of a gas station, there is no territory of its own, except for small paths around a small pool. There is a busy road nearby and "Krug" - the final bus stop, right 10 meters from the building. The traffic is so intense that it is a problem to cross the road, large and small buses constantly scurry along it to the side and from Golden Sands. And Bulgarian drivers are still cattle "Even with a baby stroller, only foreigners gave way to us. Locals, including female drivers, saw us at the crossing and turned on the gas! Even at night, if the windows are open, you won't fall asleep. Well, it's very noisy and gassed. . . Large buses around the clock bring someone in and take them away, while not embarrassed, they honk at night, terribly gas, dousing the surrounding area with savory, diesel exhaust. and until 5-7 a. m. And then the local "gas station queen" rattled the lids of the gas storages for a long time, measuring the level. Repeated complaints to the manager did not give any results...

They cleaned poorly and rarely, once a week, like sleepy flies, for all the time they never cleaned the balcony and didn’t really wipe the floor.
In the hotel, about 50% of the guests were ours, but there was no place for our flag on the flagpole. It seems to be a trifle, but such an attitude towards a country that laid down so many lives of its sons for their freedom from the Turks is not pleasant. By the way, in Turkey the situation is diametrically opposite, and flags are hanging, etc...
Such a fact, our vacation coincided with the Anniversary of the hotel, on this occasion they arranged a holiday with children's competitions, the winners, i. e. children, as a prize, were given... a bottle of wine... , like this...
We went to Bulgaria in the summer of 2007 rather by chance, we were going to go with the children (the youngest is 1 year old) to the sea for a month, so that it would not be very hot for the little ones in August... The hotel was chosen on the principle that it would be new and quieter... Before that traveled mainly to Greece, a couple of times were in Turkey, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates. France, etc.
It is very far from the sea, 500 meters. Yes, and the descent to the sea is not convenient, clumsy, apparently from the Soviet period, broken-down steps. The beach is dirty and not well maintained. The sea is dirty, constantly something floats, then toilet paper, then shit, then a condom, tampons, pads, in general, a complete abomination. As the locals explained to me, during the construction of hotels they saved on sewerage, it was not taken far enough into the sea. With a "tail wind", everything ends up on the beach. + Jellyfish, just huge, like a basin. Fired at regular intervals.
A very small children's club, the girls animators tried their best, but apparently they lacked the experience and the very culture of holding events.

Personally, my opinion is that only those who are just starting to develop foreign resorts and have never been anywhere but Sochi and the Crimea will not be disappointed in Bulgaria. And I would recommend them to start with Turkey or Greece. We went to Bulgaria as to a friendly country, like a chicken is not a bird, and Bulgaria is not a foreign country. Nothing like this, a real, albeit thoroughly reeking of a scoop abroad. Our people are not expected and not loved there. I got the impression that they don't like anyone at all. He witnessed how sunbeds on the beach spoke out in response to well-deserved criticism in his address - All tourists are monkeys, and Russians are pigs.
The general impression of Bulgaria is DIRTY. And it's everywhere. Even in Varna, only in the historical center a little cleaner. Most of the buildings of the Soviet period, panel houses, the facades of which have not been put in order for the last 30 years. Everywhere there is desolation and heaps of garbage.
A separate topic is deceit and scam at exchange offices, you need to recalculate without “leaving the cash desk”, but it’s better that you have a witness, otherwise it will even be useless to contact the police. Personally, a brazen, pretty and pretty girl - an employee of the exchanger, decided to "throw" me for 50 euros, when exchanging money at the point opposite the Cathedral. When I missed half the amount and looked at her questioningly, she began to point her finger at the tray from which I took out the money and allegedly did not take all of them. The tray was long, and as soon as I started counting, she apparently put them there and reported. So be vigilant.
Another problem is the Gypsies. They look very different from ours, "Moscow". All very civilly dressed, mostly dyed blondes. So, without looking closely, you will not immediately understand who you are dealing with. They steal everything, putting forward their teenage children. They grab bags, rummage through pockets, etc. As everywhere, they closely "cooperate" with the local police, work under their "roof". If you "hit", then complaining is useless, a waste of time and nerves.
From a holiday in Bulgaria, our family is in shock and sow the day. This was not the case anywhere, even in the Crimea, in 2000. it was much more civilized and there was no such widespread rudeness and bydlanity.

Considering all of the above and the fact that holidays in Bulgaria are not very cheap, I would not advise our compatriots to this strange “country”. And there is enough rudeness in our vast expanses, in the same sochi. At least there will be no feeling that you are improving the well-being of foreign boors for your hard-earned money. Better than mine. . -)
Translated automatically from Russian. View original