Auto nightmare

20 July 2011 Travel time: with 07 July 2011 on 17 July 2011
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My story is for those who are going to Bulgaria by road.

We traveled by bus from the Lviv company Bavaria TOUR, but as you can see, the problems are the same for all autotours. From the border of Ukraine in Porubny, Chernivtsi region, we were on the road for 20 hours.

Of these, they stood at the borders for 6 hours. On average, it took from 30 to 1 hour to check documents at the border guards of Romania and Bulgaria on a bus in which about 40 people rode, mostly women with children (only documents were checked) I try to state only the facts, without connecting emotions. But I hope you understand that not a single border point is designed for such a number of people (on average, there were from 3 to 10 buses in the queue. And when the driver turns off the bus engine (actually like in a car), the air conditioner turns off. Yes, whatever Do not forget. Romanians have a paid toilet on the border, 0.50 leva per person. So if you go, do not forget to leave a change for it.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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