normal vacation for budget money

I want to share my vacation, because I know that for many Ukrainians this is important. We went to Bulgaria with 2 children (12 and 5) by car through Chernivtsi, Romania (almost in a straight line). In total, it turned out 3000gr for gasoline back and forth. In Bulgaria, we stayed in Byala in the hotel Pearl, I really advise everyone, especially those with children. the area is very green. If you have the usual requirements, you will like it. You can order and all inclusive, but we took without meals. They have a small bar where you can cook your own porridge, sandwiches, coffee tea, there are refrigerators and everything you need. For lunch and dinner, we advise you to go to their own restaurant, they cook very carefully. Portions were taken for two and everyone ate. on average, lunch or dinner without wine cost 15 euros for everyone. the hotel is very close to the sea, the owners look after it very much. The Internet works fine, beds are changed, garbage is removed.
The town itself is small and quiet, after 23 everyone rests. so all sorts of shops, children's entertainment.
The beach is good, sand, there is enough space for everyone. for 7 days of rest plus 4 days of travel (2 round trips because we spent the night in Chernivtsi and Romania) we spent 1000 euros. Including all sorts of gifts, and clothes (they took about 200 euros). For me, this is a great alternative to Crimea.
Have a nice holiday