
19 July 2012 Travel time: with 28 May 2012 on 29 May 2012
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We have already been to Germany several times, but the paths always passed by Berlin, but I wanted to see it. And then the opportunity presented itself and we were in Berlin. My idea of ​ ​ this city turned out to be quite far from reality. The bus passed many sights. Outside the window is the famous zoo, Golden Elsa, the Air Bridge and here is a stop near the Reichstag. The building is not particularly monumental, the grass has been trampled down to the bare ground, but we take pictures and move on. Here is the Brandenburg Gate, the place where the wall used to be. The street under the lindens is all dug up and there are very few lindens. In general, there are a lot of construction sites and, of course, cranes in the landscapes. I really liked the Gendarmenmarkt, its entire ensemble. On the steps of the theater lies the red carpet, the Berlinale has recently ended. The guide shows the chocolate shop and we stay there for a while. Then we move on to Humboldt University. I really wanted to go to the Cathedral of St. Hedwig, but the guide asked not to interfere with the believers, because there was a Trinity. We stop at the red-brick church inside which is a collection of charming sculptures and go to the Spree and the Schlossbrü cke bridge. The Berlin Cathedral and its decoration makes an indelible impression. They did not climb the towers of the cathedral. We decided to leave it next time, because I really want to be in time for at least one museum. We stopped at Pergamon. It is impossible to describe everything, there is a sea of ​ ​ information. The Ishtar Gate is the strongest impression. We walked around the museum island and went to the Nikolayevsky quarter. There, on the banks of the Spree, we had lunch (wine Golden Riesling whiskey) for about 40 euros and set off on our way back to the Brandenburg Gate. Unfortunately, shopping did not work out because it was a holiday. For about an hour we sat in a cafe on the Gendarmenmarkt drinking beer. The general impression of the city is twofold. It seemed to us that the years of socialism had done their job, not without reason so many construction projects. It is impossible to compare Cologne and Berlin, for example, but the city has its own charm.

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Бранденбургские ворота
Театр с красной дорожкой где проходит Берлинале.
Берлинский собор.
Башня. Не знаю крест виден или нет.
Старый музей.
Пергамон. Фрагмент алтаря.
Милетский рынок.
Пергамон. Ворота Иштар.
Ст.Николай в Николаевском квартале.
Витрина автомагазина.
Вечер.Бранденбургские ворота.
Галери Лафает в Берлине
Красная дорожка,оставшаяся от Берлинале.
Внутри только скульптуры.
Снимать нелбзя,но я не слышала.
Вот все такие беленькие.
Экспонаты Пергамона, фрагменты алтаря.
Предполагают, что так он и выглядел
Одна из мозаик. Цвета просто поразительные!
Часть Милетских ворот,если не ошибаюсь.
Ворота Иштар. При осмотре видно где старое, а где дореставрировано.
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