Austria in autumn and Salzkammergut Lake District

10 November 2012 Travel time: with 03 October 2012 on 13 October 2012
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The three capitals of the states of Austria and the Lake District - the Salzkammergut Valley On the tour "Alpine Trio" we started to explore Austria from Vienna on the third day of the tour. But it was a short run of 2.5 hours to warm up the legs before the long drive to Munich. In Vienna, a survey of the Hofburg is provided, and then about an hour and a half of free time. This is my fourth time in Vienna, so I am not going to the survey, and together with a couple of my groupmates we are heading to my favorite place in Vienna, this is the rose garden and the corner with the Sisi monument. With great pleasure, I again walk through the garden, admiring the unfading roses. I was here exactly a year ago, but the memories are as fresh as if it was yesterday. I'm taking my fellow travelers to the monument to Sisi. All the same, her silhouette turns white between shrubs and flowers. If you do not know where it is, then you can pass by and not notice how far this corner of the garden is. But a group of Chinese is already here, and everyone should definitely take a photo next to the Empress. I had to wait until they left. Then no one bothered us to calmly conduct our photo session. My fellow travelers have not yet seen the monument to Sisi, and this communication gave them and me many pleasant moments. Then, slowly moving through the rose garden with stops for photos, we go to the Hofburg courtyard, and there is a photo session near the horse heroes. Then we remember that according to the plan we still have a visit to the Rosenberger cafe and head there. And there already almost our entire group gathered after the review. This time there was an anniversary in Rosenberger: 40 years since the opening of this cafe in Vienna. And I, having traditionally chosen Kaiser melange coffee with strawberry strudel, received at the checkout not only a branded cup, but also a letter of thanks from the company, and a large package of Nelmut Sachers coffee. It was such a pleasure from this double gift. My fellow travelers were in this cafe for the first time, but they also received gifts in honor of the anniversary, which made them very happy. After that, full and satisfied, we began to move past the Albertina and the palace garden towards Maria Theresa Square to our bus. The monument to Maria Theresa was closed for restoration, so the photo session against the background of the monument did not work, we were content with a few photographs of the square itself with fountains. Departure to Munich at 12 noon. But my story is about Austria, so I'm going straight to the seventh day of the trip. On this day, early in the morning, we say goodbye to cozy Interlaken, and head back to Austria to Innsbruck. It is the capital of the state of Tyrol. We arrived there at 13:00. Here we were met by the guide Marina. Very energetic and nice lady. She gave a good tour of the old city, showed all the main attractions, and most importantly, attention was paid to the Golden Roof emblem of the city, from which, according to legend, Emperor Maximilian liked to watch everything that happened on the main square. She then gave us tips on where to spend our free time and where good shopping is. After the tour, free time for a little over an hour. We ourselves walked along the main shopping street, went into a huge shopping center called Tyrol, and there we dispersed in all directions. . I went down to floor - 1 to the supermarket, and then in the same cafe I took hot tea and cakes and had a bite to eat with pleasure. I also had a goal to go to the local pharmacy and buy an aqua spray for washing the nose. The damp weather in Switzerland did not pass me by with its breath. After my lunch, I start looking for a pharmacy. Luckily, there were several in the area. There was no aqua spray in the first pharmacy, but the other two offered me two different products. In the first it was a spray with medicines for a cold, and it cost 7.5 euros for a 15 ml bottle. I bought, but then I went to the second pharmacy on the opposite side of the street, and there I also bought a 75 ml aqua spray for 7 euros. I can’t say that it was worse than the first remedy, although it costs five times cheaper. So, it is not only here that they “play” with the prices of medicines. After Innsbruck we go to Watens to the Swarovski Museum. I have already been to this museum, so I take a free ticket and immediately go to the store. I don’t have a goal to buy anything, I just want to walk around slowly and have a good look at the exhibition of their products. But I involuntarily paid attention to the prices. In two years, the price of pens with Swarovski crystals has more than doubled. If in September 2010 we bought these pens for 13 euros, now they cost 29 euros. Crystal-tipped pencils also went up in price in the same way. Then one pencil cost 3 euros, but now one is not on sale, and a set of three pencils costs 19 euros. Yes, and the trading floor was half empty, Only our group was walking between the shop windows. But the products are still very original and beautiful. And the toilet was a continuation of the museum. When you turn on the water with a touch button, the water jet lights up bright blue, this is the backlight of the water, and flashes around the asterisk. I could not resist and took a photo there for memory. Our group left the museum around 18:00 and we headed to the hotel in Salzburg. It started to rain again, and he accompanied us all the way to the hotel. We arrived in Salzburg around 22:00. The hotel "Salzburg Mitte" had free Wi-Fi at the reception. , and I was able to chat via Skype with my family, and write a few messages to friends on the forum. I took my iPad with me on this trip, and it was very useful to me. . The morning of the eighth day of the trip began with a good breakfast and departure at 8-00 for a survey of Salzburg. At the parking lot near the Mirabell Park, we are met by the guide Eugene. I already know him from my previous visit to the city in 2010. And I know that the tour will be very interesting. Somewhere in the middle of the tour, I leave the group for an independent walk. But I’ll clarify what time the departure for the elective will be. The rain started, then subsided. And everyone was interested in whether the planned optional excursions would take place. After a meeting about electives, Evgeny and our leader Vladimir decided that today it would be better for us to go on an excursion to the Lake District after the review. There, even rain will not interfere with the tour. Departure for the tour is scheduled for 11-15. After walking through the streets of the old town, I still managed to go to a cafe and drink hot tea with a piece of apple strudel, and went to Billa to buy sweets and Mozart liqueur. Here a bottle of liquor cost 13 euros. At 11-15 we go to the "Lakeland" in the Salzkammergut Valley. The tour program includes three towns of this region. The first on the way we have St. Gilgen. So now they are watching the Austrian countryside at home. But I will give my opinion about this village. Its originality and originality is beyond doubt, but I personally liked the two previous towns more than Hallstatt. I especially liked St. -Wolfgang. We were given enough free time in Hallstatt, more than in the previous two towns, but no one wanted to climb the mountains in the rain, and soon the whole group gathered in the parking lot near the bus. At 4 pm we head back to Salzburg. It takes about an hour and a half to drive back. The group did not get to the elective class at the Augustinian brewery, but we bring those 4 people who wished to visit there to the center of Salzburg, and Evgeny tells in great detail how to get to this brewery, and then how to get back to the hotel from there. After that, we go to the hotel and still have time to visit a huge supermarket located next to our hotel. It works from 7:30 to 19:30. Here, everyone was already able to buy gifts for home, moreover, a little cheaper than in a supermarket in the center. I looked at the prices of Mozart liqueur and it was 50 cents cheaper. . I couldn't resist and bought another bottle of liquor to take home. This is where we bought groceries for dinner. The day was full of such beauties, and the trip to the Salzkammergut Valley caused indescribable delight. A tour of the Lake District is one of the highlights of this tour. I recommend not giving it up.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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