Travel agency review Tez Tour Туроператор (Kyiv)

Reliable travel agency, proven over the years

Date of purchase: 22 july 2018
Written: 01 august 2018
Travel agency: Tez Tour Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

I used the services of this company more than once, and never on their part there were serious punctures, transfer of departure or any shortcomings. A very pleasant guide at the hotel, told everything in detail and is always ready to be in touch and come to the rescue if needed. left) I didn’t wait at the exit and asked representatives of other tour companies in which direction the TezTour buses were, I found my bus myself. shows that the company cares about the quality of service and is not indifferent to you even after the end of your vacation, which is good news. I would prefer to use TezTour next time. Thank you for the service!

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