Travel agency review Tez Tour Турагентство Хаггард (Kyiv)

I do not recommend!!!!!!!!

Date of purchase: 15 february 2019
Written: 05 march 2019
Travel agency: Tez Tour Турагентство Хаггард (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

We decided to fly to Montenegro, chose Tez Tour according to reviews, as a very reliable tour operator ... etc. The agency was located at 11 Obolonskaya Embankment, everything started well, the manager offered us several options, we needed 2 rooms in the same hotel, we decided, agreed to meet, sign the contract and fully pay for the tour, met on Friday, did everything, and on Monday , the same manager calls and says that the hotel does not have 2 rooms, there is 1, and the other is, but more expensive by 4 thousand UAH. Further better, she offered us a hotel in a category worse, but for the same money. We decided to refuse, all on the nerves, upset. We were persuaded for a long time that this is normal, that this happens, although the contract says in black and white that they must find out the availability of rooms in the hotel BEFORE signing the contract and paying. As a result, the mood was spoiled, the money was returned (thank you in full) after 2 weeks, with a lot of calls and correspondence, 10,000 reminders of its existence. If you want to tickle your nerves - you are here.

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