Travel agency review TPG Туроператор (Kyiv)

Just when checking in for a flight, it turned out that the tickets of tourists are invalid !!!

Date of purchase: 17 november 2015
Written: 17 november 2015
Travel agency: TPG Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

We have been working with TPG for a long time, with the Odessa branch. After the company had a total change of personnel, everything became incredibly disgusting, although before that it was far from ideal!

We, as agents, are facing the worst nightmare of any agent. Today at 5.30 in the morning, tourists call me from the check-in desk of the Odessa airport and say that the airline cannot put them on the flight, due to the fact that the operator has canceled the reservation of tourists !!! And in fact they don’t have tickets, although they have a printout of the reservation that the operator sent us!

I call the TPG 24/7 line, they connect me to the manager, she is extremely unhappy that she was woken up, of course, but I love starting work with bad news at 5 in the morning!!!

She begins to tell me that it cannot be, but how is it, but there was a reservation!

I say that my tourists (elderly, by the way, people) are now at check-in at the airport and they are told that they do not have tickets! Manager's response: oh, well, I don't even know how this happened, we'll figure it out in the morning and that's it!

As a result, tourists bought new tickets for 18,000 UAH!!! And they flew away, however, now, I'm worried about being met already in Prague and settled in a hotel in accordance with the voucher!

And of course, we will demand compensation for newly purchased tickets, if necessary, we will go to court!

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