Travel agency review TPG Туроператор (Kyiv)

Please do not contact this agency.

Date of purchase: 02 august 2015
Written: 01 september 2015
Travel agency: TPG Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

Our bus was delayed for 2.5 hours, broke down. But the funniest thing is that we returned from Bulgaria today, and left the day before yesterday. The bus traveled instead of 24 hours all 40)))

Well, it's still nothing. at first the bus was delayed for 2.5 hours, people did not want to go. The temperature in the cabin rose from 35 degrees to 41.7!!!!!!!!!!!, because the air conditioner and the air duct did not work. Second floor, all 3 hatches are sealed with mounting foam. One hatch was simply knocked out for 2 hours and it was kept only on plastic bottles. But it didn't save a degree. The bus does not meet sanitary standards, even, probably, in African countries. Problems with hydraulics, the handbrake sticks. If the bus is turned off, it won't start on its own. We stood at the border for about 6 hours, during which time the bus was not jammed, otherwise we simply would not have gone further. The driver is a rare boor and an impudent goat.

People at the border still ran out of water, just like us. So the bus was stopped not at gas stations, but in free toilets on the highway, where there is simply nowhere to buy water. They asked the driver when there would be a stop at the gas station, he answered “well, I don’t know”, and when they asked him if there was drinking water on the bus, he answered: “maybe you also need to be fed?”. This is literal. So we were driving at 40 degrees without water, and the sun was slashing through the windows, as there weren’t enough curtains to cover everything .. And the drivers behave as if they are doing a favor to everyone: they are rude, impudent, talk to you like shit. In general, they wanted to call the police so that the bus would simply be stopped, since it did not meet sanitary standards and the brakes could fail at any moment. I don't know what stopped. My grandparents, about 75 years old, were driving nearby, and I was afraid all the way that their blow would be enough, it was impossible to look at them. People were all half-naked, we were sweating, the stench of sweat is incredible! Just imagine, 41.7 degrees!!! And that's not all yet. Just write for a long time. So something needs to be done about this, because the tour operator must be responsible for all these incidents.

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