Travel agency review TPG Туроператор (Kyiv)

Travel Savings!

Date of purchase: 01 june 2016
Written: 21 june 2016
Travel agency: TPG Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Forced to write a review, finished!

We rested in early June in Sunny Beach, the Planet Hotel is 5 stars, the sea is cold, not Turkey at all, you can relax, but not more than 1 time in your life, but this is not about that.

The main theme is the delivery of us by bus from the tour operator TPG.

We went there normally, there were no questions, the bus and drivers had no comments (

But back - "Destination".

It all started with the fact that the host of "Go2Holidays" did not inform all tourists about the time of sending the bus back to Ukraine.

So, adventures point by point:

1. The bus from Kyiv ( was not sent, because "there was no group", we were put on the bus from Lviv, a bus in which the maximum is possible drive 3 hours. The seat is wooden, the legs do not fit, they save on the Conder, full overload, all 54 seats are occupied, there is nowhere for drivers to sleep (pay attention to this, it will be further). Also said a certain "guide Bogdan", whom life will punish even without the fact that the first 32 places are occupied for Lviv, so the people of Kiev get into the ass of the bus. At the same time, looking ahead, they called us separatists, we did not let them watch cartoons, listen to music and wanted to charge us 10 euros for "they are taking us." They said that in Chernivtsi we would transfer to another bus that would take us to Kyiv. At the same time, I almost forgot, we, the people of Kiev, were not even on the lists of passengers, the flight was not ours, insurance, in which case, would not work, we went as "to earn money" and still had to!

2. They forgot to pick up 2 tourists, they said that they were not there, although they themselves did not call for them. Then, as it became known, the tourists had been waiting at the hotel since 12 noon, there was no transfer, they started calling, spent 500 UAH to top up the phone, after a while they came for them, demanded 50 euros for delivery to the bus, etc. Look for this story from the unfortunate participants on the Internet, write a lot without that, in general, we were waiting for them near Varna for an hour and a half, while "Go2Holidays" "tried" to make money on them.

3. A traffic jam on the Asparuh Bridge, we stood at a height of 50 meters for an hour, well, something like that.

4. The accident was in front of us, head on, 1 km to Golden Sands, we drove around for 3 hours after the rest of the tourists, the driver did not know the way, so there was a "tour in Bulgaria".

5. The people who were picked up in Golden Sands were waiting for us for 5 hours, no one said anything to them, they were dropped off at the bus stop and left! Then they took away our "trough without normal places" and away we go ... At this time in Ukraine, as we later learned, the tour operator calls everyone and looks for a bus that will pick us up from Chernivtsi. Looking for cheaper. Don't think about luggage.

6. Night crossing in Romania, the driver does not sleep, 7 in the morning, the road after the rain, the village, the dog crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing, the girl in the Audi in front of us slows down, crushes the dog, we are a girl, an accident, we sit for 2 hours while the police don't get bloated.

7. Border, we were sitting dumb for 3 hours, we started calling Ukraine, telling what was happening, what was waiting for us. Tour operators TPG denies everything, such as "not in the know."

8. We are going to Chernivtsi, right up to the railway station, such an excursion, they brought Neoplan for Lviv, for niami Merc for 25 seats, thank God luggage got in there and there was more legroom. Our "trough after an accident" was in a hurry for the next flight to Skadovsk, the driver did not sleep, I hope they arrived ...

9. We got into a new bus, drove off for 30 minutes, the driver forgot his license and his passport, we laughed and drove back to Chernivtsi))

10. We were stopped on the track, asked where the lists were, where the insurance was, etc. Miraculously. 5 minutes later we moved on.

11. In Vinnitsa, the driver, for no apparent reason, was told that we would not go further, since the tour operator did not send them money for our transportation until 21:00, as a result, they again began to call travel agencies in Kyiv, those tour operators, so that something then decide. At the same time, TPG kept saying that everything is fine with us, we are almost at home. An hour later, we finally arrived in Kyiv.

Results. We were driving back in an uncomfortable bus, for which we paid a lot of money, they lied to us all the way, they ruined our whole vacation, the way back took 36 hours!!!

How does this criminal scheme work? The tour operator TPG took money from tourists for a ticket, the E-line carrier works with them, which carries "as it wants." After informing them, they decided to save money, instead of two flights to Kyiv and Lvov, they made one miserable one to Chernivtsi, the carrier hired a driver with his personal bus, gave him money and drove off. In Chernivtsi, they found two more cheaper buses, which will already be taken to the end point. This is not the first time this scheme has worked. At the same time, the "guide Bogdan" said all the way that he didn't care, he would receive a salary even without our complaints! I also want to emphasize that the contract contains a clause that transportation is carried out according to the standards of the host country. Therefore, if this is how they carry it in Bulgaria - "Chapiteau" blah blah car, then bury me on the spot!

So, dear tourists, never, once again - never go with a Travel Professional Group tour operator! In this country, everyone wants to make money on you and fool you!

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