Travel agency review Soul (Kyiv)

Trust but check

Date of purchase: 24 april 2012
Written: 16 may 2012
Travel agency: Soul (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

Hello dear readers! I want to tell you about my vacation in Egypt SharmelSheikh resort. We were going to have a rest with two families with small children. We selected hotels based on reviews on the Internet, and offers from travel agencies. As a result, we stopped at the Nubian Villag hotel. But when they called the agent of the company Soul, he dissuaded us from this hotel and offered another Continental Plasa Beach. We had no reason not to trust this agent, as we traveled through him many times. And so our journey began. Flew perfectly, brought to the hotel, also good. We went to the hotel and settled in. At first glance, the hall near the reception desk seemed rather poor (old furniture). Came to the room, good with a view of the sea (poor, but clean). We dropped our things and went to dinner. And here we were in for a surprise! It was difficult to find a place, I had to look for food, since what is cooked there can hardly be called food. There was nothing to feed the children, the food was spicy, seasoned with sauces, heavily fried. Cooks in dirty aprons, waiters are not neat, there are no cutlery on the tables. I had to wait 10-15 minutes to get it. Flies fly in huge numbers. On the street, sparrows peck food from the left plates. And this is not the whole list of negatives. After lunch we went to the beach. The beach was good. As expected. We waited for dinner in the hope of a miracle. Again food is a problem. The children ate buns. The next day, we turned to the guides with a request to change the hotel for us. They said that we must first contact the agency that sent us. We called our agent, he did not understand (or pretended to) what we want from him, and then did not pick up the phone at all. On the spot we solved our problem, moved to another hotel. But the negative remains. It's a shame that upon arrival in Kyiv, our agent, with whom we were regular customers, did not call us and did not ask or apologize. So trust but verify

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