Travel agency review SILVER-TOUR (Kyiv)

Can work BETTER

Date of purchase: 29 june 2013
Written: 16 july 2013
Travel agency: SILVER-TOUR (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур, оформление визы

Two in One: Krakow Prague

A wonderful destination for travel, but there are a few BUT: 1. Choose another tour operator, because there are intermediaries, which means that you will overpay for everything. There are many honest and worthy players on the market. 2. Before you apply for a visa, pay for it, LEARN what you are paying for. For my husband and I had to pay twice as much as other tourists (who were recruited from other agencies). Moreover, here we were promised a multivisa, but they provided a type C visa (7 days) for an amount twice as expensive ... 3. The service leaves much to be desired ..... All information needs to be "pulled out" .... We were "forgotten" to pick up at the beginning of the journey from the Station (did not check all the tourists on the list) .... About the birthday (such a trifle)))) they forgot on the tour and did not even congratulate them verbally ..... All comments relate only to the organization of the tour. The content of the tour is fabulous and partially compensates for the inconvenience. It is necessary to take into account the difficulties of bus travel (fatigue, swelling, long waiting times when crossing borders).... We were lucky with the drivers, special thanks!

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