Travel agency review Pan Terra Travel (Kyiv)

petty crooks with big ambitions

Date of purchase: 03 december 2012
Written: 04 february 2013
Travel agency: Pan Terra Travel (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур, авиаперелёт, оформление визы

A disgusting tour operator who does not care about the tourist at all. He sees his task only in organizing the departure of a tourist from Ukraine in order to get money for himself, he (the tour operator) does not care about all other events. In particular, there was a negative experience of a trip to Sri Lanka. If necessary, solve the problems that arose during the rest, the director Pavlov Yuri withdrew himself, did not answer the phone, and after the rest he began to play up and blame everything on the partner. He refused to return money for services not provided (a fairly large amount paid for half board, but in reality they received only breakfast and a downgrading of the hotel room category), and subsequently simply began to avoid contacts. Do not contact this puroperator if you do not want to ruin your vacation .

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