Travel agency review Pan Terra Travel (Kyiv)

They even throw acquaintances with 10 years of experience-(

Date of purchase: 30 december 2012
Written: 05 february 2013
Travel agency: Pan Terra Travel (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур, отель, авиаперелёт, оформление визы

Impressions from the act of the director of the company Pan Terra Pavlov Yuri are simply terrible!!!

Given the many years of acquaintance, I turned to him with a request to organize a New Year's tour to Sri Lanka. I paid a very large amount for a sightseeing tour with a rest on the beach in deluxe rooms and breakfast-dinner meals. Moreover, taking into account that they had known each other for almost 10 years, she paid in cash and did not take any receipts for receiving money, so that he could not spend them on taxes. As a result, I received accommodation in rooms of a lower category and only breakfast. When upon arrival I demanded to return the difference to me, he began to cry into his vest and explained that the host had messed up something and they were not returning any money to him.

I could not even find a plausible explanation of where the money had gone, the money I transferred for the full range of services calculated by him and actually received in the form of alms - (((

Here is a confirmation of life wisdom - FRIENDSHIP IS FRIENDSHIP, AND TOBACCO IS DIFFERENT-(

THEREFORE, I WANT TO WARN OTHER TOURISTS - if Yuri Pavlov can do this with friends, then what awaits strangers who are not always experienced, and sometimes just gullible travelers!

And before deciding to write this review, I looked through the opinions on the Internet about this company - it turns out that I am not alone in my illusions about their honesty and decency !!!!!!!

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