Everything is done manually, smoothly, intelligently.

traveled  2 weeks ago
Travel agency assessment:

1. Price 2. Splitting strength 3. Respect of the manager 4. branches of the company Kiev, Dnipro, Kharkov or any online manager, then it’s even easier. The manager is with you 24/7 and that’s true. Whether any food is in the moment. Such a great appreciation for the director of the Dniprovsky branch Ilona. And to all the volunteers of this agency for those who united the whole of Ukraine!.

Good travel agency. The tour operator is a professional in his field.

traveled  3 weeks ago
Travel agency assessment:

For the first time in my life, I went to Bulgaria to study. I’ve been wondering about Bulgaria and Greece for a long time, but I still settled on Bulgaria and didn’t even regret it. The trip was by bus, the carrier ALF traveled. Me, my friend and two children took the bus for the first time for a long time. I would like to say that the bus is comfortable and go ahead.

A professional approach to your work. Good company.

traveled  3 months ago
Travel agency assessment:

We went on the “Rome-Eternal Place” tour with Donka on May 25, 2024. We would like to thank Adriatic-travel for organizing the tour. Everything was thoroughly insured, and when gathering groups in places, they checked the presence of tourists like small children, so as not to kill anyone (the group was large). The group was well chosen and punctual.

Tour 'Visit the Adriatic' or how to secure your release

traveled  3 weeks ago
Travel agency assessment:

I want to tell you about the Prague tour, the place that has taken a toll on me. If you want to save your nerves, spend your money for free, give yourself permission to your friends, then the company will take care of you. Send you on a tour of 40 children in grades 7-9, who will scream all the way, and you will take the place of the winners. If you think of a greedy hotel in the Czech Republic, then here you are waiting; Doors in the soul that fall on you, and you will catch them, windows that don’t open, door handles that fall, yoghurts that are expired, that’s all before them.

The biggest trip with company (I went with a lot of others and with something to equalize)

traveled  1 month ago
Travel agency assessment:

This is the most rewarding tour I've ever had! The company has never seen such a discriminatory attitude throughout the year. I'm starting) It’s important to note that 22 years at the border have made their own changes (there is no food for the company, but it’s not their fault) Prote, instead of replacing two days according to the plan, you only take one day off.

Poor placement, discrimination

traveled  3 months ago
Travel agency assessment:

I don’t recommend becoming an employee of this company! You will be discriminated against for your money! A lot of negative hostility was lost after the meeting with their managers. Representatives of this company's policy is ageist, which violates all ethical norms! How can it be done in the 21st century so that people are discriminated against? At Eurotrips! My mother was advised by the tour through those who, in their opinion, were not suitable for anyone after age (48 years)! Total shock.

Reception of repairs

traveled  4 months ago
Travel agency assessment:

Satisfied with the completion, the workers went to the selected tour with satisfaction of all our needs The tour operator was ready to contact us in advance, having booked tickets to the airport and back. We received everything for this reason: Tourist Agency "Scandia Tour" (FOP Steshenko S.M) +380674073718 - Stanislav.

filthy robot

traveled  3 months ago
Travel agency assessment:

I found this agency through advertising and it’s too bad that I didn’t get a recommendation. The manager drove away without reporting any information, but instead had to struggle to obtain information. Especially after making an advance payment. I had to fight with these same food several times, because... I didn’t remove the video. After contacting the tour, for which I had made an advance payment, they simply sent the operator’s sheet without explanation.

A 100% scam...

traveled  10 months ago
Travel agency assessment:

I bought tickets to Greece, found a reasonable price from this agency, everything was agreed upon with the manager. They demanded a 100% prepayment both ways. The departure was from Lviv, when we had already bought tickets to Lviv for the bus departure, paid for the hotel reservation - the manager called and said that we needed to pay an additional amount of more than half the price that we had already paid.

Very pleased

traveled  9 months ago
Travel agency assessment:

It’s a pity that this time the spіvpratsa was limited to only consulting services, they booked directly. Prote vdyachny for searching for the required numbers, we will pay you a full-time consultation fee for an additional fee. Before speaking, this option works for out-of-state directives.

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