Travel agency review JoinUp Туроператор (Kyiv)

Terrible service and disrespectful customer service

Date of purchase: 28 april 2018
Written: 29 may 2018
Travel agency: JoinUp Туроператор (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

In May, my wife and I had a family anniversary and we decided to celebrate it with a trip to Paris, as we had long dreamed of visiting this city together, We were apart on official matters, but somehow it didn’t work out together. We used the services of Join Up on the recommendation of the Midas travel agency, which arranged tours for us. We chose the APOLLO OPERA 3 * hotel on the recommendation of a travel agency, ordered additional excursions, paid the full cost of the trip. The problems began the day before departure: instead of a late flight back, suddenly Join Up through a travel agency announces an early departure (which is equivalent to "minus" one day of stay in Paris), allegedly due to a non-existent strike of Air France air traffic controllers, which they could not find out anywhere in The media, neither on the airline's website, nor in the representative office in Ukraine. After much arguing and tedious correspondence, the tour operator agreed to extend the tour with an early departure the next day.

But that was just the beginning of our adventure. upon arrival at the airport "Borispol" two hours before departure, at the check-in desk we were told that they would not be able to check us in for our flight, since our seats were resold by the airline, and we can not fly on a direct flight, but only with transfers. And in Paris we can only be late for an hour and a half.Or they offered to fly out the next day (and we have tickets to the Moulin Rouge that evening.) Representatives of neither the travel agent nor Join Up, indicated in the memo, did not answer phone calls. We were left on our own with this problem and accordingly decided to fly, although the festive mood was seriously spoiled.

Having somehow reached Paris with a change in Warsaw (and the price of the tour included a direct flight, which was much more expensive), we found that no one was meeting us, since the transfer that was provided in the package was no longer possible due to the fact that that we arrived later. Therefore, we had to take a taxi to the hotel, paying 50 euros from our own pocket. Upon arrival at the hotel, a terrible disappointment awaited us: what we saw was radically different from the pictures on Booking and from the description from the words of the travel agency. Peeling walls, tiny rooms where it was impossible for two to pass each other in the aisle, it was only necessary to jump onto the bed, shabby furniture, the bed in incomprehensible stains, bathrooms in a terrible state - that's what awaited us on our holiday.

The trip was hopelessly ruined, the money was wasted and a lot (it was 1513 euros for three days in Paris) - this is the result of the work of a travel agent and tour operator.

Upon arrival, they wanted to somehow find out the reason for such a service, but in Join Up no one even wanted to talk, everything was only through correspondence. All we managed to compensate was 50 euros for the transfer, and then from the travel agent after a long and tedious showdown.

I will never use the services of Join Up again in my life and I do not recommend it to everyone else: absolute unprofessionalism, disregard for the client, perverted information and unwillingness to somehow correct the situation.

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