Travel agency review Grekodom Development (Kyiv)

Do not repeat other people's mistakes with Grekodom!

Date of purchase: 01 december 2015
Written: 16 august 2016
Travel agency: Grekodom Development (Kyiv)
Service type: оформление визы, другие услуги

Situation #1:

In October 2015, we turned to the Kyiv office of Grekodom (Mouzenidis Group) with a request to help in obtaining a residence permit in Greece. Our request was forwarded to the "legal department" of Grekodom in Thessaloniki, Greece. Having collected all the necessary documents and sent their scans, we received confirmation of the completeness of the collected package and on December 28 made an advance payment for services in the amount of 2500 euros and provided all original documents for verification. After payment, we were promised to set a date for an appointment at the consulate in Kyiv. From the second written reminder, as well as the remark that the documents have a validity period of 3 months, we managed to get the date and time of admission at the consulate. They also said that the presence of the whole family is mandatory: me, my husband, a child of 9 years old.

The first question we were asked at the consulate was: "Why did you bring the child to Kyiv in a fifteen-degree frost? There is no need for him to be present!" After that, we were informed of the standard list of documents required to apply for a residence permit - we lacked half, as it turned out. Everything was told to Grekodom - the employees of the "legal department" did not even apologize for their mistakes, they said to finish collecting the documents, send them the scans as soon as they were ready, and go back to the Consulate, which we did already in February. The date of admission was set by the "legal department". Friday.

At the Greek Consulate in Kyiv, they were surprised that no one signed us up, but kindly agreed to receive us, because. remember that we have already tried. Separately, I want to express my gratitude to the staff of the Consulate: they were the only people who provided us with professional qualified assistance: briefly and always to the point. Having reviewed our package of documents, the Consulate staff informed us: 3 (THREE!!!) days ago, the rules for submitting documents changed - a certificate from the tax office on income and taxes paid, as well as medical certificates must be apostilled (yes, now all those who I've been to seminars of Grekodom - a certificate from the tax office is obligatory! And now also with an apostille!). If we had arrived 3 days earlier, there would have been no problems, but now they are ready to meet halfway, accept documents, if we undertake to deliver the necessary documents as soon as possible. Otherwise, we were personally promised a visa refusal stamp in three passports. There was a week left until the end of the validity period of our documents - we really understood that we could be late and what we were risking. We left the Consulate and once again consulted Grekodom's "legal department" on what a standard package of documents should look like, and also kindly offered them: to provide a written plan of further actions with a guarantee of responsibility on their part, or to return the money, taking into account the damage caused by unskilled actions. It took Grekodom's "legal department" more than four hours to tell us: "We agreed, you can come to Kyiv on Monday and leave the documents. You will put the Apostille later, but you need to do it very quickly." Our bewilderment that we ourselves told them the same thing, as well as the reasons for our rejection of this option, were completely ignored. Naturally, no one provided an action plan and guarantees. Thus, for all our communication with the "lawyers" of Grekodom, we have never been provided with qualified legal assistance. In fact: we advised Grekodom, not they us.

Returning to Kharkiv, many hours of negotiations with "lawyers" were described by e-mail - zero result, no action plan, "lawyers" stopped communicating with us.

This situation was brought to the attention of the management of Mouzenidis Group and Grekodom. Unfortunately, apart from baseless accusations, no help or specifics were provided, as well as a plan of action. Dozens of our letters to all possible addresses about the transition to a constructive channel were ignored. The company Grekodom does not have lawyers in its staff and does not provide legal services - was our answer. At the very beginning, we received a letter from the Kiev office of the Grecodom company that our request was being redirected to their "Legal Department", then a letter in which the girl introduced herself as an employee of the "Legal Department". But, the so-called "Legal Department" turned out to be a completely different legal entity, as it turned out later, to which the Mouzenidis company, and even more so Grecodom, have nothing to do with.

Situation #2:

In January 2015, my husband and I turned to Grekodom with a request to find an apartment in Thessaloniki. We were promised that they would select options and, when we arrived, they would show everything within 3 days. But this turned out not to be the case. An employee of Grekodom only on the 4th day deigned to come to our hotel after a call to the Moscow office.

He could not offer any options and said that he needed a couple of days to select. As a result, we ourselves chose the options from their website and, after looking at the options we chose, we settled on one of the apartments. Issued a power of attorney to their lawyer. We were promised that within one month the apartment would be registered in our name, that a full check of the apartment would be carried out for the absence of communal debts, the legal cleanliness of the apartment. We issued a power of attorney at the beginning of February 2015. The final sales contract was signed on our behalf only at the beginning of June 2015! For 4 months, we were assured that a complete check of the apartment for the absence of debts was underway, all the necessary documents were being collected, that the tax authority had issued the wrong certificate to the owner and now we are waiting for the correct one, and so on. As it turned out, the full audit promised to us was not carried out, and all the debts from the previous owner remained. After Grekodom's message that the apartment was finally decorated, we were delighted. We agreed with their representative that they would hand over the documents and the keys to the apartment to the nearest office to us (located 400 km from our city). On the appointed day, we arrived for documents and keys, but there was nothing in the office, no one was even aware that people should come for documents and keys. As a result, we returned home with nothing. This is once again about the attitude of the "company" to its customers.

Since we will need an apartment in Thessaloniki in a few years (we bought it for a child), we decided to rent it out for a long time. Considering that Grekodom did draw up the documents for the apartment, we somehow “relaxed” and no longer remembered about the protracted registration. In August 2015, we came to the Greek office of the “company” to find out all the questions about the possibility of renting an apartment, how the company operates if the tenant does not pay, how much it helps the landlord to solve problems that arise, how often there are problems with tenants. An employee of Grekodom (I will not name the names of the employees for now) assured us that they carefully select tenants and that they had such a case only once and their lawyers quickly resolve such problems. Apparently, we “relaxed” too much and signed an agreement with Grecodom to rent our apartment.

At the end of August, an employee of Grekodom (with whom we discussed all issues up to this point and further in the review we are talking about her) called us and said that she had found a Greek family with a child (only later it turned out that this was a lie), solvent and decent, who moves from the island to Thessaloniki. We agreed to sign an agreement with them. After concluding an agreement with the tenant, we just found out about the debts of the previous owner (for example, about 600 euros for electricity).

Until December 2015, the tenant paid rent according to the agreement. In December, an employee of Grekodom wrote to us and said that there was a fire in the electrical panel in our apartment and now we have to pay 280 euros for the repair of the shield and 120 euros for drawing up a new wiring plan, which is issued every 14 years for each apartment. We told her that since the damage to our property was caused during the tenant's stay, then he must pay for the repairs. But an employee of Grekodom told us that "according to Greek law, a tenant can turn on as many electrical appliances as he likes." In Greece, it turns out the laws of physics do not apply! After lengthy squabbles, we had to agree to repair the electrical panel on account of the rent and give money for the plan, since the tenant refused to pay and was also not going to move out of the apartment, and the employee of Grekodom took the position “for the tenant”. The tenant, as it turned out later, simply appropriated this money and did nothing, neither the replacement of the shield, nor the wiring plan.

In April 2016, the tenant stopped paying us for renting the apartment. We turned to Grecodom with a request to provide us with support in resolving this issue, but an employee of Grecodom told us that she did not see any problem here, since the delay is small, and lawyers start working when the delay is three or more months (although before signing an agreement with them , told us that in case of non-payment, their lawyer immediately writes a letter addressed to the tenant and the issue is resolved).

At the end of May, the tenant told representatives of Grekodom that on June 3 he would move out of the apartment and allegedly transfer all debts for rent and a communal apartment to a representative of Grekodom. As a result, neither the 3rd nor the 4th nor the 5th, no one contacted us and did not answer the letters sent to e-mail.

On June 6, an employee of Grekodom deigned to answer and stated that they had not met with the tenant, since on June 3 he could not, he was working. Then she suddenly announced that an employee of Grekodom is now in the apartment, the tenant moved out on June 3, leaving the keys under the rug (!) And that everything is in order with the apartment, only cleaning is required. An employee emailed us several photos of such poor quality that it was impossible to see anything on them.

In mid-June 2016, we flew to Thessaloniki and went to the apartment. Then we discovered that one of the rooms was completely missing furniture! They stole from us

4 armchairs, sofa, coffee table. It was the best furniture in the apartment.

When we arrived at the office and informed the Grecodom employee about the theft, she dialed the tenant's phone number, talked to him and told us that the tenant said that there were only 2 chairs in the apartment (in a word, all the furniture was listed in the contract and the tenant signed under this).

Thus, it turns out that the employees of Grekodom covered up the theft or committed it themselves, otherwise why would they tell us that everything is in order with the apartment, when you can see with the naked eye that half of the furniture is missing there!

We contacted a law firm for advice. The lawyer, having looked at the contract, told us that a citizen with a Georgian passport was included in the contract, and it also turned out that the tax number was not included in the contract. The lawyer said that this woman is in Greece most likely illegally. An employee of Grekodom (I can hardly restrain myself not to write the names) could not help but see the passports of the tenants. In addition, the lawyer said that the contract was drawn up legally illiterate and the translation into Russian does not correspond to Greek!

Negotiations with employees of Grekodom, including people who introduce themselves as directors of Grekodom, have not led to anything so far, since they apparently do not care deeply about customers, and they apparently do not know such concepts as honest work and the reputation of the company!

If you don't want problems, never contact this so-called "company"!

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