Турфирма Darogatour

Dnipro ул. Харьковская дом.3 оф.15
(056) 7902653, (050) 4201595
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Travel agency rating:


My family really enjoyed it!

traveled  14 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

To organize your holiday, we turned to the firm Darogatur. We applied in advance, as we were going on vacation with a company, families and wanted to get a "price-quality" vacation, which "last-minute" tours do not always correspond to. The girls-managers treated our wishes very carefully and responsibly, offered several options, from which we chose the one that best suits everyone at the general council.

Coke Live Festival

traveled  15 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I went through the Travel Agency Darogatur to Poland for a music festival. Everything was well organized: visas were opened, the tour of Krakow was interesting, we visited the Wawel Castle, the Swing 4 * hotel in which we lived was super, it was located next to the festival site. Cameras larger than 4 pixels were not allowed to be brought to the stadium where the festival was held, it's a pity, everything had to be photographed on a mobile phone.

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