Travel agency review Coral Travel на Вербицкого (Kyiv)

Everything would be fine, but here is the hotel guide ...

Date of purchase: 02 january 2018
Written: 28 january 2018
Travel agency: Coral Travel на Вербицкого (Kyiv)
Service type: пакетный тур

In Kyiv, everything was fine, all questions were answered. There are no claims.

When we got there, the hotel guide started telling us about their excursions. We did not want to go anywhere at all, but just to relax in the hotel. After we said this, tantrums, insults, threats began. He took out his money, saying that it was not for their sake, he said that this was all for us, that we would later say that Egypt was uninteresting and tourists would stop visiting them. Well, we got a little carried away. They explained that we didn’t want to go anywhere, he began to offer us other excursions, in general, he kept us for an hour. We felt like we were in the director's office. Barely lagged behind us. Then he also made sure that we really were on the beach and at the hotel, and not went on excursions.

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