Турфирма Admiral Tour

Lviv пр. Червоної Калини, 35
(032) 2601015, (098) 0154980
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Travel agency rating:


Povna vіdsutnіst vіdpovіdalnostі

traveled  7 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Vrazhennya, that deputy tour buys shares of the office. Having paid a penny, you actively take part in solving the problems of the tour operator. 150% not raju.

Good travel agency

traveled  8 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I knew the tour myself on Otpusk.com and there it was ordered de pridbati tour. The manager's work was bezdoganyu and at the stage of registration of the tour and after that. The manager Anastasia chimed as we got there, that there were no problems with the settlers, etc. I also recommend this travel agency and I myself will be worthy of її services.

filth is more expensive

traveled  9 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Your travel agency was well known on the Internet. My friend and I vydpochiti in Bulgaria, the private sector. Through your company, they issued a visa and bought tickets for the bus. There were no problems with the registration of the ticket and the bus in the bus. And from more expensive in the bus - tse viprobuvannya. The road is long and hard. So, in the bus there is an air conditioner, it's good.

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