Travel agency review ()

Feedback about the travel agency Join Up!

Date of purchase: 23 january 2019
Written: 01 march 2019
Travel agency: ()
Service type: пакетный тур, отель

There were no issues with the purchase of the tour. I bought it, everything was normal, the departure was the same. And then the transfers began. I had unpleasant impressions associated with the flight and the delays of the plane for up to a day there and back. The flight back was at the same time, but they took me 14 hours earlier. It turns out that two days flew out of me, and I paid money for it. It turned out fewer days for rest, this is an inconvenience. And they returned only 1000 UAH to me, although they should have returned 3 times more. I myself am from the Dnieper and I had to go to Kyiv. I accordingly bought train tickets, but my flight was postponed and I had to sit in Kyiv for a day. Then I had to go back, the flight was postponed again and I had to wait a day. I handed over one ticket, they didn’t return the money for it and lost 700 UAH. The environment is far from professional.

Last year, Join Up was generally in a fever, eternal transfers.

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