Travel agency review Этнотур (Kyiv)

Corporate rest in the Carpathians

Date of purchase: 28 june 2012
Written: 03 august 2012
Travel agency: Этнотур (Kyiv)
Service type: экскурсионный тур

I will briefly try to describe how we went to the Carpathians for the Constitution Day as a corporate party.

I never write reviews, I limit myself to gratitude to the organizers after the trip, but I could not resist here. I travel by bus tours not for the first time and not only in Ukraine and I perfectly understood what awaits us. I must say right away that I have not met the worst organization. We went under the program Yaremche-Bukovel-Goverla-Kremenets as a team, a close-knit company, mostly young people.

1 day. We left Kyiv. Night move. Neoplan bus, not very new and clean but tolerable. Julia, the group's chaperone, is a young girl with incomprehensible work experience, because I question her organizational skills. During the trip, she never ceased to amaze. For some reason, she was always surprised by the desire of people to go to the toilet, to which she reacted as if she was doing a favor, probably from 12 to 10 in the morning, until they arrived, they did not stop once.

Day 2 Settlement in the hotel was negotiated in Yasinya, settled in Yablunitsa. But it didn't matter to us. The hotel complex is normal, there were also ordinary buildings and log cabins. The food (breakfasts and dinners) in their hut is generally not bad, it's a matter of taste. Personally, I had enough. It is possible to order a sauna at your own expense (300 UAH).

On the first excursion day paid an additional 70 UAH. First we went to Bukovel, the weather is terrible, cold and rainy. We got up in the rain on the lift (another additional 27 UAH), and then with a quick step back to the bus, inspecting the village through the raincoat.

Moving to Yaremche, the rain stopped, the weather and mood improved. We visited the wooden church and the Probiy waterfall. The Dovbush stone, the Dovbush trail, the Dovbush rocks and everything else according to the program were not shown to us, without any motivation. We were given free time for lunch. Everything. We returned to the hotel. When asked why we didn’t go to the Yablunets Pass, Yulia answered “there is nothing to see there”. And to Vorokhta - "tomorrow we will pass through it to Hoverla, and there is nothing to see there either."

Day 3 Let's go to Goverla. Additionally we pay 120 UAH. Received a prod. ration. We really drove through Vorokhta, without stopping even for a photo. I don’t know who came up with the idea that the climb is easy along the walking path, which does not require even light physical training. It is difficult to go up and down, it took me 7 hours, with stops, halts and staying on the plateau for about an hour. Impressions of the sea, but the second time I will not climb.

Day 4 We release the numbers. We are going to Kremenets. The town is small but quite nice. We examine the monastery and the ruins of the fortress, after which we are voluntarily forcibly taken to the dining room for lunch.

We ask for free time for a tour and a photo of the city center, in response "you have an hour and get to the restaurant by taxi yourself, no one will come back for you." Everyone goes to the dining room, who eats, who sits on the bench for an hour (including me) is indignant. The funny thing is that we again drove through the center on the way out of the city. The question is, why was Yulia in a pose and spoil the trip.

On the way home again problems with the toilet, we stopped at the request on the highway, where there are not even bushes. At the same time, three people were forgotten, everyone had to yell - stop.

Outcome. The tour included places worth seeing, there are all the prerequisites for a good rest. All my impression was spoiled by the organization, incompetence, intractability of the head of the group.

The cost of the trip is not cheap, while constantly paying extra for the excursion package. Services and services of the company "Ethnotour" is not worth it.

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