Travel agency review Фиджи Вояж (Dnipro)

Sea cruise. Mediterranean. fiji voyage

Date of purchase: 19 january 2011
Written: 21 april 2011
Travel agency: Фиджи Вояж (Dnipro)
Service type: пакетный тур, экскурсионный тур, отель, авиаперелёт, оформление визы

The truth about Fiji Voyage.

Having decided to go on a sea cruise, you can rely only on yourself and on its independent organization.

Or, at least, do not trust him to Fiji Voyage (Dnepropetrovsk).

The reasons are listed below:

The family decided to visit Rome and go on a Mediterranean cruise. On the website of the tour operator Fiji Voyage, they claim that the Fiji Voyage Company is a cruise specialist.

Bought a cruise, Moroccan fairy tale, Yacht Club, MSC Fantasia. 4.04.11 – 15.04.11

We trusted the Fiji Voyage company in organizing and processing visas, flights, transfers and hotels.

Although already in the process of working out and preparing the tour, questions arose, but the prepayment was made, so they were treated with patience. Moreover, I really wanted to go on a cruise.

There were concerns about visas, but the manager Victoria assured that their Italian partners would do everything quickly and efficiently, they provided a FULL package of documents. Visas were opened for a long time, they talked about some internal problems, about vacations at the Italian embassy. But still. 03/23/11 finally they said that everything is ok, visas have been received. Victoria recommended not to apply for a visa to Morocco, because There was a fear that we might not be in time, we agreed. PASSPORTS WITH VISAS HAD THEM UNTIL 31.03.11.

I will not go into details about the incomparability of the cost and quality of the hotel. Fiji Voyage sold us the Wind Rose 3 * hotel for 150 euros per day.

So, having arrived at the port of Civitavecchia, the solemn meeting of the distinguished passengers of the Yacht Club ends with the fact that after the issuance of boarding tickets and the cruise program to us, we are told that we have the wrong visa open - number of entrees 1, but should be multi. First shock, then convulsively begin to ask questions about what we can do. There is only one answer - "YOUR agency, through which you made a visa - WAS MISTAKEN!".

Having phoned the agency and having heard from Victoria: “it can’t be”, we realized that everything can happen with Fiji Voyage! But only the bad!

The liner set sail and we were left alone.

We call Fiji again, we demand to arrange for us to leave the port and return to our homeland, and they say do not distract us from our meeting on your issue.

Peace, only peace!

They pulled themselves together, fed and changed the child, another 40 minutes passed, then for an hour they simply did not pick up the phone

We ordered a taxi (160 euros) and went to Rome, and an hour later they called - sorry, we made a decision, call a taxi and go to Rome and contact our Italian partners and they will come for you tomorrow and solve all problems. Wow, this is such a concern, do not scammers work in Fiji, but no, yes ... .. Having phoned their Italian partners (Anna), she said that she had heard about this situation for the first time and was not at all aware of the situation and they have nothing to do with Fiji Voyage. And she advised me to contact the reception of our hotel and get out on my own.

Again calls to the Fiji Voyage office, again communication with a highly qualified manager Victoria, who recommends that we go to the consulate in the morning and solve her problems with a visa there, and if we manage to decide to catch up with the ship in Genoa.

Either emotions, or the desire to prove to the world that we will get out - we agree.

In the morning we receive an SMS from Fiji with the address of the Ukrainian consulate, we arrive at the place, and there is the Ukrainian embassy, ​​the consulate at the other end of the city, but oh well, we are determined to win! We rush to the consulate.

The consul looks at us somehow strangely and asks one simple question - “who told you that the Ukrainian consulate in Italy has the right to issue or change visas?” Here we have a highly specialized and respected manager of the Fiji Voyage travel agency on the phone - Victoria herself, would you be so kind as to talk to her, and the consul explained to Victoria for 20 minutes that they were mocking tourists by opening them the wrong visas. And again it is clear that we are simply driven around Rome, like puppets, while they themselves sit in their Fiji and rejoice at a fictitious quest.

We demand that Victoria rebook tickets and return us to our homeland, but she is trying her best to come up with the next test for us and offers to provide us with a vacation on the coast as compensation.

We understand that the vacation has begun, we understand that it is better for the baby to have a little rest, and not to experience a long flight again, and we say that we are ready to stay in Italy and go on vacation to the coast. And it’s not so easy, Victoria calls back after 3 hours and says: “there are no places in any hotel on the entire coast of Italy” and offers us windrows-level hotels (costing 4 times cheaper than our cruise) near Rome with breakfast! This is to compensate for the deluxe suite at the yacht club. Here's a BABY!

Again, a demand to return us to our homeland and a refund, again 2 hours of silence, and, miraculously, Elena called, introduced herself as the founder, and promised us to organize a vacation in Italy tomorrow at the highest level (as it turned out later, they were just playing for time, in order to so that we could not file a claim with them within 2 days). Elena persuaded her to trust her as a professional, she began to say, well, since you are already there, you have a small child, he just flew in, and you return him again, and oh, how you don’t want to give money and .... persuaded. They sent us to the mountains 120 km from Rome to a 5 star hotel. They assured us that a luxurious vacation awaits us there, breakfast, dinner and a package of spa procedures will be included.

The hotel was actually much better and more spacious than Windrose, but at this time they have no season, the hotel is completely empty, 80% of the infrastructure does not work, of course, no one paid for spa packages, dinner was also not paid.

Even though the dinner was expensive, it was delicious 

Having called Victoria again, and once again hearing from her - “it can’t be, everything is included with you”, they demanded a flight to Kyiv for tomorrow.

We decided that if we persuade again, then we’ll buy tickets ourselves and get there, it didn’t go like that 

Wrote a couple of SMS, because. again no one picked up the phone, that tomorrow we ourselves will return.

In the morning, a call from Victoria: “You need to be at the airport in 3 hours.”

Of course, they cannot order a transfer, again 160 euros by taxi, and we are happy to go to the airport, thank God, we escaped 

The next day we arrived at the Fiji Voyage agency, we were met by a smiling Victoria with the words - "how are you."

Communication with the founders (Zeldina Elena Anatolyevna, Zalisko Sofia Anatolyevna): They started the conversation with what they can do for us to apologize for the negligent work of their manager and offered us a 20% discount on the following cruises and trips through their travel agency, and expressed their deep regret about what happened. In addition, they assured us that their contract was drawn up in such a way that they did not owe us anything.

They said that when they saw that their employee was demoralized and upset about something, they specified that she was so saddened when she found out that she sent her family with a baby on a cruise without even checking the correctness of the issued visa, rushed to help her and worked two days late, trying to slip us low-quality vacation in return for a paid cruise.

There was no limit to our indignation, they demanded compensation from them for the cost of expenses in accordance with the contract. To which they received an answer that they are not responsible for visas, and I don’t argue with them on this issue, but having received documents with an incorrectly opened visa, keep silent about it and send a family with a child on a tour - this could be done either through negligence or intentionally .

The trials they subjected us and our baby to, speak of some kind of sadistic inclinations not only of the managers of Fiji Voyage, but also of their founders.

Total. They refused to return the money. The claim was not accepted.

An application to the court, the Consumer Rights Protection Society has been sent.

I'm sure we'll sue.

And let's go on a cruise!

Ready to answer any questions.

[email protected]

[email protected]

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