Travel agency review УльтраТурПлюс (Sumy)

Pkstaya waste of time and money!

Date of purchase: 15 july 2016
Written: 01 august 2016
Travel agency: УльтраТурПлюс (Sumy)
Service type: экскурсионный тур, отель, оформление визы

I came across this agency by accident, it so happened that friends invited me on a trip, so there was no choice. To be honest, I was shocked by the attitude and approach to clients and, in general, the organization of work in general. First, everyone is very inattentive, they make mistakes! Therefore, a hundred thousand times they had to redo the documents, because they would ask the poet that way. Secondly, they set an appointment for a time, you come, they explain something to you, some stranger comes in, asked for vouchers, all attention immediately switches to him, well, I’m already a potential client, you can leave me. Girls, that's why you lack attentiveness, you are scattered, irresponsible and take up a lot of people's time! It was my worst travel agency booking, you screwed up so much that I had to abandon the trip altogether, because I spend my nerves and time for my money. Now there are hundreds of agencies that really work, believe me, there is something to compare with, I have traveled half the world! I think my review will be useful for everyone, because a vacation should be a vacation from the very beginning, I'm sorry, but you are unprofessional in your business and I'm very sorry for the people who encountered you and still encounter. I do NOT recommend.

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