Турфирма ТУИ Турагенство

Kyiv пр-т Палладина, 18/30, под.3-А (m. Akademgorodok)
(067) 9895687, (073) 9895687
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Travel agency rating:


Review of the travel agency TUI TRAVEL AGENCY AKADEMGORODOK

traveled  5 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I liked the fact that you can pay with a card without visiting the office. Took, paid and came already for a ready-made package of documents. I just look who sells a tour to the hotel I'm interested in, that's how I found them.

Review of the travel agency TUI Travel agency

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I applied for the purchase of a tour to the TUI travel agency and I liked everything in their service. I immediately contact my manager, who always helps me in everything. I don’t see the point in contacting other agencies, since they couldn’t help me anywhere the way they help me here.

Review of the travel agency TUI Travel agency

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

The quality of service in the agency is rather low, but they had the lowest price, so I bought from them. The flight was slightly delayed when we flew back, and moved to an earlier time when we flew there, this improved the quality of the rest, there was more time to rest.

Review of the travel agency TUI Travel agency

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Everything was fine at the agency, the flight was rescheduled for 6 hours on the way there to an earlier time.

Review of the travel agency TUI Travel agency

traveled  7 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

Everything was great in the travel agency, the transfer was excellent, both on the way to Egypt and on the way back. Manager Vika and the agency - the highest score. We didn't have any rescheduled flights either.

Review of the travel agency ANEX TOUR (WITHOUT DAYS OFF)

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I bought a ticket at the TUI agency in Kyiv, on the street. Zakrevsky, I don’t remember the number ... I liked everything in the agency, there were no transfers, the transfer was good.

Review of the travel agency TUI Travel agency

traveled  6 years ago
Travel agency assessment:

I had a TUІ agency, I’m flying with them not the first time, the service is good. The transfer is amazing.

Travel agency rating Global

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